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[Reputation][Sha'tar] - Aldor and Scryer turnins #245

Open Flaktrack opened 8 years ago

Flaktrack commented 8 years ago

Reputation Turn-ins for Aldor and Scryer give reputation towards Sha'tar only the first time you complete them. The repeatable quests that follow the first turn-in do not give 50% reputation towards Sha'tar as they should.

The following quests are involved: Aldor: Fel Armaments - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10421 More Marks of Sargeras - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10654 More Marks of Sargeras - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10827 Single Mark of Sargeras - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10655 Single Mark of Sargeras - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10828 More Marks of Kil'jaeden - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10326 Single Marks of Kil'jaeden - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10327

Scryer: Arcane Tomes - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10419 More Sunfury Signets - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10658 More Sunfury Signets - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10823 Single Sunfury Signet - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10659 Single Sunfury Signet - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10822 More Firewing Signets - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10415 Single Firewing Signet - http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=10414

http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Shatar Characters may initially earn reputation with the Sha'tar by completing quests for the Aldor or the Scryers, including each faction's repeatable reputation quests. Each such quest completed nets a reputation gain with the Sha'tar equal to one-half that awarded by the character's respective faction, e.g., completing Neutral 15 [65] Allegiance to the Scryers awards 3500 reputation with the Scryers, and 1750 reputation with the Sha'tar. These incidental gains stop upon reaching 5999/6000 friendly with the Sha'tar, however. Once this cap is reached, a character may only attain honored status by completing a Sha'tar-specific quest or by killing a mob in Tempest Keep.

Ref: Allegiance to the Aldor/Scryer #226

HEGladios commented 8 years ago

I can confirm this. Spillover reputation has not been correctly set up for Sha'tar. You will find that some quests just straight up reward the Sha'tar rep even if you are over the spillover cap (5999/6000 friendly) and some quests just don't.

Thank you for the elaborate report and quest links, this will help a lot.

dikkedeur commented 8 years ago

spillover rep is now implemented, we now need proper data for it...so we are getting closer