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drinking/eating bug #35

Open achelliez opened 9 years ago

achelliez commented 9 years ago

You can drink/eat 2 different ranks of consumables at the same time to get mana/health faster.

dikkedeur commented 9 years ago

what do you mean with 2 different ranks of consumables?? can you give ID's of the items so we can reproduce?

achelliez commented 9 years ago

so, if you drink level 35 and level 45 water, you get mana back from both at the same time, same with food. atleast thats the case with conjured food and water

achelliez commented 9 years ago

achelliez commented 9 years ago

doing it again with conjured mage food, and the buzzard food in my inventory

dikkedeur commented 9 years ago

i tried to reproduce this one, but in my case i always get my buff to reset. so not 2 buffs and the buff resets with the new value of what my last drink or food is.

so in my case its not bugged.. or at least im not able to reproduce it..

achelliez commented 9 years ago

the issue is not the buffs from the food, the issue is that you can drink or eat 2 different ranks of food/water at the same time.

dikkedeur commented 9 years ago

i know but that was not something that was possible for me.. so i dont know how you do it, since when i do it on my char ( human mage ) i dont get the results you have.

HEGladios commented 8 years ago

I think I managed to reproduce this partially: http://db.helios-empire.eu/?item=28501 http://db.helios-empire.eu/?item=27651

When eating these two foods at the same time, you get 2 buffs of the fork+knife icon. So the bug does not concern the 'Well Fed' buff (cheese icon), although it might be that the core would see these two items as having different type of spells on them.