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SOHO/LASCO gaps #132

Closed helioshk closed 2 years ago

helioshk commented 2 years ago

Hi, LASCO often does have big gaps (seral hours per day) between images in helioviewer, while they are fully available at https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/data/Theater/

For example today 24/APR/22 is a gap from 00:00 to 02:48 and from 03:36 to 06:12 and from 08:50 to 13:25. Yesterday 23/APR/22 there was a gap from 01:26 to 05:12 and from 16:36 to 20:12.

It would be good if this could be fixed. Thanks.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

looks like some of the gaps you mentioned filled themselves in. But I do see some images in our pipeline that for some reason aren't getting picked up. I see that we do have all images from 3:36 - 6:12, but they aren't getting picked up so helioviewer won't render them. Working on this now.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

I can't find filled gaps, but I noticed new gaps that weren't there before (I think).

Changes in bold:

Yesterday 23/APR/22 there was a gap from 01:26 to 05:12 and from 16:36 to 20:12.

Now it is 00:00 to 05:12 missing and 05:48 to 08:24 and from 16:36 to 20:12.

24/APR/22 is a gap from 00:00 to 02:48 and from 03:36 to 06:12 and from 08:50 to 13:25.

Now it is 00:00 to 02:48, from 03:36 to 06:12, from 08:50 to 13:25 and from 16:00 to 21:24

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

These gaps have been filled.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

They seem to be filled in helioviewer.org But the gaps are still there in JHV. I've cleared the cache. Anything else to do?

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Not sure, JHV should be looking in the same place for images. I can try restarting the jpip server.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

I restarted the jpip server, my JHV picks up the whole day. Forgot to check if it worked before restarting the server... let me know if it's working for you now.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

On GSFC beta it seems to be complete. But on IAS it has still the gaps.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

@ebuchlin can you look into gaps on IAS for SOHO?

ebuchlin commented 2 years ago

Since when are there new data that we should download to fill the gaps on our side?

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

This is for LASCO-C2/C3, it is still current

helioshk commented 2 years ago


It seems that gsfc beta also does not (always?) fill the gaps. Example: 25/APR/22 16:12 to 19:12 LASCO-C2 is missing on all servers, but it is available on soho.nascom.nasa.gov

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

There's definitely a bug here somewhere.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Ok, there shouldn't be anymore gaps on GSFC going forward. The problem had to do with how we get SOHO images. For SOHO the images aren't really generated consistently, so what happens is the download script sees that the latest timestamp is (for example) 14:00:00, so it no longer looks for images that have timestamps older than 14:00:00. But the 13:00:00 images may end up coming to us after 14:00:00, and they just don't get picked up.

So the workaround for this, which we do for other image sources, is instead of getting soho on a continuous process constantly looking for new images like we do for AIA, is to run it on a cron job with the backfill option. Every 15 minutes GSFC will scan for the last 48 hours of SOHO data, so even if data comes out of order it'll get picked up and there shouldn't be any more gaps.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno Thank you for the explanation and the fix! The images from the period mention above are now available on helioviewer.org, but not yet in JHV.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

@helioshk are they there now? My JHV sees them.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno No, still the same. I restarted JHV and cleared the cache. April 25, C2 is missing: 00:00 to 04:36, 12:48 to 13:25, 16:12 to 19:12, 22:24 to 00:00.

When I specifically select a missing range, I get the error message (both, gsfc-beta and IAS): 2022-04-26 19:34:01.698 [Worker] SEVERE org.helioviewer.jhv.io.LoadLayer.request - Error encountered during JPX creation: No images were found for the requested time range.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

@helioshk Restarted the jpip server, how about now?

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno Still the same, but now is an new range missing, 05:48 to 12:48 (Or did I miss this previously?)

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

@helioshk 5:48 to 12:48 on 4/25?

@bogdanni Need your help on this one. The situation is that JHelioviewer queried a time range that did not have images. Then when these images were added, helioshk cleared the cache and queried the range again but JHelioviewer still isn't pulling them in. On my JHelioviewer I get all the images. Is this a bug?

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno Yes:


bogdanni commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno I think @helioshk is trying from GSFC-beta server, while you try the main GSFC. At least this is how it looks from my end :)

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@bogdanni Yes, you are right, on GSFC the images are complete.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

@helioshk @bogdanni Ohhh, that's a me problem, then.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Let me check on the beta server.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Forgot to patch beta, it's good now, gaps filled.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

Problem solved, thank you :)

helioshk commented 2 years ago

Since May 1st helioviewer is missing LASCO images again (they are complete on soho.nascom.nasa.gov). I checked IAS, GSFC, GSFC-beta, www.helioviewer.org.

01/05/22: 05:24 to 09:48 01/05/22: 11:36 to 15:05 01/05/22: 23:50 to 02/05/22 02:36

helioshk commented 2 years ago

@dgarciabriseno There is no more LASCO images in helioviewer (all sources) since May 2 12:12.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Sorry about that, they're back now. We weren't able to get these back up during the maintenance window.

helioshk commented 2 years ago

LASCO is unavailable on GSFC-beta since a while, giving a HTTP 500 internal server error message.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

What date range are you looking at? I'm not getting any 500 errors on beta when I check.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

Never mind, I see it now.

dgarciabriseno commented 2 years ago

There's a problem with the pipeline I'm looking into. But this is fixed now at least for these images.

See https://github.com/Helioviewer-Project/esajpip-SWHV/issues/13 for more details