Helioviewer-Project / jp2gen

IDL based tools to convert FITS data into JPEG2000 files for use with Helioviewer Project clients.
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EIT images #15

Open wafels opened 6 years ago

wafels commented 6 years ago

No EIT images since August 2013. The EIT processing should be restarted.

wafels commented 1 year ago

A user has requested that the data should be regenerated.

wafels commented 1 year ago

An initial exploration of the code base shows that the EIT branch needs to be updated for the recent changes concerning the explicit inclusion of the source spacecraft and the harmonization of the hvs structure.

wafels commented 1 year ago

I have updated the EIT branch to use the current JP2Gen code (gen branch) (still to push the changes up to master). I have been able to produce images. However, it seems there is an issue when trying to rotate the image so north is up. The IDL internal routine POLY_2D fails with the error "Value of coefficient is out of allowed range". Not sure yet which coefficient is out of its allowed range. This seems to me to be a new error - I don't remember this one.

wafels commented 1 year ago

The POLY_2D error arises from a NaN being computed in the rot.pro function. The function has a line that calculates a value theta - for certain values of the roll angle this line appears to generate NaNs. However, on the command line the same calculation works just fine. The fix is to simply re-write this line; now, a NaN is no longer generated. This does not really get to the bottom of what is causing the NaN however. To test this, I ran the code to create images of all the EIT image science data taken in 2023. The rest of the pipeline works - images are written and now appear on helioviewer.org. A few more steps are needed.

wafels commented 4 months ago

The code is now being run on another platform - perhaps the NaN will go away??? Worth a shot, but does not explain the NaN, but the NaN is probably not a helioviewer issue.