Helioviewer-Project / jp2gen

IDL based tools to convert FITS data into JPEG2000 files for use with Helioviewer Project clients.
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Additon of PFSS Models #3

Open MSKirk opened 8 years ago

MSKirk commented 8 years ago

PFSS models have become a standard product of both MDI and HMI magnetograms. Helioviewer should incorporate these into its magnetogram databases. This addition would help greatly with comparing coronal structures in AIA and EUVI to the magnetic structures predicted by the potential field.

wafels commented 8 years ago

JHelioviewer already provides PFSS extrapolations. Images of these data should be made available via helioviewer.org also.

wafels commented 1 year ago

This will be tackled during this summer (2023), thanks to the efforts of a summer intern. I have some demo code that creates PFSS extrapolations that can be used to provide data to a new 3D version of helioviewer that we expect to launch later this year. The plan is to improve the code, create extrapolations and have them viewable via the 3D version of helioviewer.