Helium314 / HeliBoard

Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
Apache License 2.0
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Inkognito button #856

Closed R7010A closed 2 weeks ago

R7010A commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Pressing the inkognito button in the toolbar the mode is not visible (checked for all themes)

To Reproduce Pressing the inkognito button doesn´t change the icon (reverse colors or something like that to see, if it is activated or not.

Expected behavior Pressing the inkognito button in the toolbar changes color for active/inactive

App version 2.0 Beta 1


Uranusek commented 2 weeks ago

Does the toolbar icon change? Incognito mode changes the toolbar icon, not the button icon.

R7010A commented 2 weeks ago

Does the toolbar icon change? Incognito mode changes the toolbar icon, not the button icon.

No, it changes the button icon. Just now I saw a tiny tiny color change from a very unrecognizable light grey (disabled) to white (enabled). This is not user friendly imho. For a better user experience the colors should be reversed for enabled and the same as the toolbar button for disabled. Otherwise I always have to check in the settings wether inkognito is on or off.

Uranusek commented 2 weeks ago

Weird. I don't have this bug. The toolbar icon changes without any problem.

Incognito mode disabled Screenshot_20240610-115014_1

Incognito mode enabled Screenshot_20240610-115037_1

R7010A commented 2 weeks ago

Disabled Screenshot_2024-06-10-12-29-31-72_94b988dbc353c620d08421fc20ea365d

Enabled Screenshot_2024-06-10-12-31-17-23_94b988dbc353c620d08421fc20ea365d

I am on v2.0b1, which has new toolbar features. Maybe this broke the inkognito button.

Uranusek commented 2 weeks ago

I'm using the same version and everything is fine.

R7010A commented 2 weeks ago

I discovered the error. I use Molly, a Signal fork, and only in this apk I get this behaviour. Very strange. In all other apk's HeliBoard works well.

Uranusek commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe you have in the Signal settings enabled incognito mode for the keyboard? I used Signal a few years ago and remember there was such an option.

R7010A commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe you have in the Signal settings enabled incognito mode for the keyboard?

Oh come on... That is the reason 🙈 Inkognito mode was enabled in Signal and broke the toolbar icon in Heli. So simple but also difficult to find out.

Thank you so much for your time and help.