Helium314 / HeliBoard

Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Delay when Opening HeliBoard Settings Directly from Keyboard #886

Closed moriel5 closed 1 week ago

moriel5 commented 1 week ago

There seems to be a noticeable delay when attempting to open HeliBoard's setting via the keyboard shortcuts (from the overview window opened by holding "," or from the top toolbar), where on my device, it takes 3 seconds before anything happens.

This seems consistent, though I have not yet nailed how, however I assume it may be dependent upon which app the text box belongs to.

Nova Launcher search (private typing) triggers this but not FastHub (where I an currently typing this) or SmartCookieWeb (WebView browser), in either normal or private modes.

Update: I seem to have forgotten to provide the basic information.

Device: Razer Phone 2 ROM: Stock (Android 9) Version: 2.0-beta2

I have also seen this on 2.0-beta1 where the results are the same, however I did not test this earlier, so I have no idea how far back this bug goes, though I believe I saw this on earlier versions as well.

Helium314 commented 1 week ago

I also see this when opening settings while in LineageOS 17 default launcher search field. Since on settings button the app isn't doing any heavy work, I would assume startActivity is called without noticeable delay. From there everything until settings are shown is handled by Android.

Btw why didn't you put this as bug report when creating the issue?

Helium314 commented 1 week ago

I checked with logging and the delay is after startActivity is called. So I don't think there is anything that can be done here.

moriel5 commented 6 days ago

I'm sorry it took me this long to reply. I generally avoid tagging my issues without the developers requesting me, as some developers prefer tagging the issues themselves (I have encountered this before), which is why I started the issue name with "[Bug]" (though perhaps I should have instead written "[Bug Report]").

Hmm... perhaps this is something that will be resolved in newer versions of Android.

Helium314 commented 4 days ago

I generally avoid tagging my issues without the developers requesting me, as some developers prefer tagging the issues themselves (I have encountered this before)

Ok, I personally find it weird that a developer would allow users to open a bug report but not want them to... but anyway, thanks for the clarification. At least in this repository it's definitely preferred to choose the most suitable option when creating a new issue.

Hmm... perhaps this is something that will be resolved in newer versions of Android.

Maybe. For me this issue happens randomly (rarely) on both Android 9 and 10, don't have anything newer.