Helium314 / HeliBoard

Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
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Always Show Toolbar #889

Closed Mahantor closed 3 days ago

Mahantor commented 1 week ago

Please leave an option for this section to always be displayed as opened


Charles7z commented 1 week ago

Would be good if there was a gesture, swipe up on toolbar icon, to open it, permanently, above the suggestion strip, and a tap on the icon to open over the suggestion strip, could even make thenm separate toolbars, and a setting for always show over suggestion strip in the settings. Lets get crazy!

devycarol commented 1 week ago

I think you can attain this by disabling correction suggestions, yeah? Just make sure your "auto show toolbar" setting is off.

I do think there should be a period in there, before semicolon 🙃 Perhaps that should be configurable?

I see some benefit in that. The user could add a suggestion for something like double-quotes "" or brackets (), and remove ones they don't feel they need.

Mahantor commented 1 week ago

I think you can attain this by disabling correction suggestions, yeah? Just make sure your "auto show toolbar" setting is off.

I do think there should be a period in there, before semicolon 🙃 Perhaps that should be configurable?

I see some benefit in that. The user could add a suggestion for something like double-quotes "" or brackets (), and remove ones they don't feel they need.

I did this but it didn't work

devycarol commented 1 week ago

Ah, do you mean for those cases where the the input field tries to suppress word suggestions?

Then yes, this would probably be a matter of un-linking the settings for "Show correction suggestions" and "Always show suggestions."

I should also say that I'm on a debug build, so my feature set may vary a bit from yours.

keyboard-junkie commented 1 week ago

I would also like to have an option to disable these symbols and instead show a toolbar.

I dont see any reason to have these symbols there — I have them already as "secondary keys" on keyboard keys activated by long press; they are also under the "symbols key" (?123); and they are also present under the "." key on long press.

It would be nice to have shortcut to show / hide toolbar under the "," key where is also one-handed mode, clipboard, switch language and settings. Sometimes toolbar is redundant an takes extra space when app itself has own toolbar (Obsidian, Termux, ...)

devycarol commented 1 week ago

I dont see any reason to have these symbols there — I have them already as "secondary keys" on keyboard keys activated by long press;

They actually have special behavior. If you type a space and then hit one of those suggestions, it will insert that punctuation mark before the space.

keyboard-junkie commented 1 week ago

Does not work, it just print the symbol after the cursor as any other key do (using the latest release version from GitHub). Even if it would work, I will rather have toolbar keys ready to use than this.

I have found what this space for symbols actually is used for — "auto-suggestions". I don't need them, that's why I had them disabled in first place. All I want is toolbar :), the reason why I switched from Openboard to this fork.

devycarol commented 1 week ago

In the latest commits, there's an option to automatically show the full toolbar in the toolbar settings.

keyboard-junkie commented 1 week ago

In the latest commits, there's an option to automatically show the full toolbar in the toolbar settings.

Thanks for pointing out – will wait for the next release.

For anyone else waiting for this feature, you can actually "pin" toolbar buttons by long press (will glow in blue-ish color) which will make these buttons visible also in "suggestion bar"; although, it is buggy – the first pinned button is not visible, but react on tap, when you long press these buttons, it will pop-up overlayed suggestions.

See toolbar pinning in #732

devycarol commented 1 week ago

That method is also revised. Instead of the janky long-press-highlighting system, you simply configure pinned toolbar items in the settings. Unfortunately, pinned items gravitate to the right whereas the full toolbar gravitates left. This never really changes unless you use an RTL language.

I don't know if you'll be able to configure the gravity of each button in the future, but for now you may want to have a full 'main' toolbar for the most satisfying appearance if that bothers you.

keyboard-junkie commented 1 week ago

I am going through an existing issues to support great ideas and found this #695, which suggest separation of toolbar from suggestion bar (or vice-versa). I think this can be solution: collapsable toolbar from default suggestion bar and if user opt-out suggestions in settings, then toolbar will be visible by default (if not disabled by toolbar setting). And if there would also be a shortcut under the "," key to show / hide toolbar, then it will be a "next level" :)

devycarol commented 1 week ago

I don't love the idea of a collapsible toolbar. Variate keyboard height causes UI jankiness issues, especially for those with animations disabled for accessibility reasons.

My take is that there should be a suggestions toolbar where you set the suggestion strip position and may have buttons to its right or left. One such button, if the user wants it, would show the expanded toolbar without the suggestion strip. You'd be able (as you already are) to set the expanded one as the default.

codokie commented 3 days ago

Take a look at #838 does the second mode (Toolbar keys) sound like the feature you are looking for?