Helium314 / HeliBoard

Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
Apache License 2.0
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Suggestions for selected text #890

Open devycarol opened 1 week ago

devycarol commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Right now, there aren't suggestions when text is selected.

Describe the solution you'd like I think it would be cool if there were suggestions to wrap selected text in things like "quotes" or paretheses. Up in the "more suggestions," you'd have less common things like code brackets and asterisks. The text would remain selected when a suggestion is chosen.

It would also be nifty to have a specific pin-toolbar for when text is selected—"here's the copy key!" (And then that would be enough toolbars I promise!!)

Everyone's use case is different, so I'd like if the 'wrappers' were user-configurable. For longer selections, I think it'd be best to ellipsize some portion of 3 suggestions rather than minimize the other 2.

Use case I take markdown notes on my phone quite a lot, so I write a lot of carefully formatted text. Thus, the ability to easily surround text like this would be really useful for me.

A fun separate idea (This would change the Android system, not this app.) When the keyboard isn't visible and text is selected, show an action bar above the navigation bar rather than a pop-up menu. This could be recycled for phone call and music controls :).

Charles7z commented 6 days ago

Seems like this feature enhancement and a couple others want Multiling O Keyboard transform text feature?:

