Helium314 / HeliBoard

Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
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Add guillemets («») into the Russian layout when holding down the quote (") #912

Open jilotta opened 3 days ago

jilotta commented 3 days ago

In Russian, guillemets («») are used as primary quotation marks. While they are on the English (UK) layout (even though they are not the correct quotation marks in English), they aren't on the Russian one, where they should be.

English (UK): IMG_20240626_092247

Russian: IMG_20240626_092234

Gboard has guillemets as a variant of quotes that the user can select by holding down the " key. The English layout of HeliBoard does the same, so the Russian layout should behave similarly.

The use case is, obviously, writing Russian. I could switch to the English layout every time I need a guillemet, but the current behaviour is still strange and needs to be fixed.


The guillemets are under the less than and greater than signs on the shifted symbols keyboard, which is unintuitive.

First off, why don't these symbols do anything under the long key press on the non-shifted symbols layout?

IMG_20240626_094529 IMG_20240626_094509

Secondly, the behaviour is still different from the English layout, and that's strange.