Helium314 / SCEE

OpenStreetMap surveyor app for experienced OSM contributors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Street cabinet quest #470

Closed mcliquid closed 8 months ago

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

Related StreetComplete issues: https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/issues/4505 https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/issues/3157

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

See this JOSM preset for translations and values: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Presets/StreetCabinet

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

Current implementation:

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

@Helium314 I'm not really happy with the icon - nevertheless you could do the code review. The icon should have grey background to match the others service type quests. But a grey street cabinet on a grey background looks strange. Will have a second look later. The getHighlightedElements does not work but I don't now why 😫 Current icon: image

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

The getHighlightedElements does not work but I don't now why

Strange, the filter looks ok at first glance. There is no need for the parentheses, but that should not change anything... I'll have time for a closer look tomorrow

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

@Helium314 When you create a new POI (street cabinet) it's working: image

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

For me it always highlights nearby street cabinets, don't know why it doesn't / didn't work for you.

I finally had a look at the quest, and I think the list looks pretty long... some other form would be better here, maybe AImageListQuestForm. But then you would need to find more icons (some from service building can be re-used). If that's too much work for you I'm also ok with keeping the list.

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your help! https://github.com/Helium314/SCEE/assets/3351668/56dd5eca-4c82-427d-bbe4-f043146c75a9 What do you think?

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

I've added some improvements to the UI - from my side this one is ready 👍

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

The UI looks good, but the icons on the street cabintes are a little small. Does it still look ok if you make the icons larger and move them to the center of the street cabinet (maybe remove the handle)?

street_cabinet_power.xml seems unused

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

Changed the icons: https://github.com/Helium314/SCEE/assets/3351668/bc9474d5-3b10-442f-b637-6b6e2d37d4a8

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

Looks a little weird in full size view of Android Studio, but works great on the phone, thanks!

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

Strings quest_street_cabinet_postal_service_description and quest_street_cabinet_other are not needed, right?

mcliquid commented 8 months ago

Yes, you're right - removed them!