Helium314 / SCEE

OpenStreetMap surveyor app for experienced OSM contributors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New Quest: What is the difficulty of this piste? `piste:difficulty` #484

Closed mcliquid closed 7 months ago

mcliquid commented 8 months ago


Affected tag(s) to be modified/added: piste:difficulty Question asked: What is the difficulty of this piste?


Checklist for quest suggestions (see guidelines):

Ideas for implementation

Element selection:

ways with piste:type ~ downhill|nordic
and !piste:difficulty
and piste:grooming = classic

piste:type can be extended to hike and skitour, but maybe in a later step. piste:grooming is optional - will decrease the selection of course

Metadata needed:

Proposed UI: There are three options.

  1. AbstractOsmQuestForm Only three buttons with "easy", "intermediate" and "advanced". However, this would require the quest to be limited to Europe / the Alps.

  2. AListQuestForm Simple Text Selection. Could contain more values, but in Europe users would be confused by entries such as "Novice" (green).

  3. AImageListQuestForm Showing images (wikimedia) or icons of colored piste signs to select. Red example: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Red_piste_Fred_in_Flaine.jpg Black example: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Black_piste_Agate_in_Flaine.jpg

Personally, a simple selection as buttons would be enough for me. One would only need a single click to complete the quest. I would simply use "blue", "red" and "black" as values. Which do you all prefer?

I would start with this one before going over to https://github.com/Helium314/SCEE/issues/466

mnalis commented 8 months ago

I'm not going to be of much use here, as I never visited even one of those skiing-things :smile: so I'm quite unlikely to use this quest; but just a note that several quests (like fire hydrant, maxspeed etc) do offer different pictures / signs for different countries; so perhaps that might be an option here too? (e.g. have one list for Europe, one for USA, and general one for everybody else? or what have you)

HolgerJeromin commented 8 months ago

I (long term ski sportsman) would go for color text or color circles only.

Helium314 commented 8 months ago

Applies to a reasonable number of map data

Not sure, the current filter matches only ~1400 elements in central Europe. Removing piste:grooming = classic increases the number considerably.

Proposed UI

Since it's usually color coded, I think adding colors (just icons, maybe colored circles) would be good. This allows for showing different icons appropriate for the area. Though there is no need to implement this, the quest can be limited to Europe instead.

mcliquid commented 7 months ago

Not sure, the current filter matches only ~1400 elements in central Europe. Removing piste:grooming = classic increases the number considerably.

You're right, piste:grooming really isn't used very often. Furthermore, I would estimate that this does not result in too many false positives. Alternatively, we could make a separate quest for this.

Since it's usually color coded, I think adding colors (just icons, maybe colored circles) would be good.

What would be the best quest-blueprint to start this quest?

Helium314 commented 7 months ago

What would be the best quest-blueprint to start this quest?

A single-column AImageListQuestForm with imageSelector.cellLayoutId = R.layout.cell_labeled_icon_select_with_description might be fine

mcliquid commented 7 months ago

But that would have to be completely re-coded so that the groups are not used, wouldn't it? Because groups for the individual values are not needed.

Helium314 commented 7 months ago

I think cell_labeled_icon_select_with_description should also work outside a grouped image list form