Helium314 / SCEE

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GPX note (with GPX track and pictures) ended up at unreleated location some 200m off #543

Open mnalis opened 5 months ago

mnalis commented 5 months ago

this is the note 4218472 which experienced the bug. Note location ended up at incorrect location, some 200-300m to the North (where I was passing previously; maybe a minute ago before starting recording the gpx track)

How to Reproduce Not sure how reproducible it is. To the best of my recollection, I:

Expected Behavior

I expected that the note would be created at the location at the end of GPX track (i.e. my current location at the time of stopping GPX recording, i.e. southernmost point of the way 1277944050) , like it did in the past.

However, It ended up some 200m north of start of the gpx recording (so about 275m from the end of the gpx recording), at the position I don't think I was panning the map to. I might have been switching between OsmAnd and SCEE though (I do that all the time).

Does it happen in normal StreetComplete?

No idea. This is the first and only time I've noticed it happening in recent years, before 57.x series.

(well, I actually did have wrong notes locations several years back in old 34.x series in https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/issues/3312 which were happening on daily basis, but the cause of that was found and solved back then and never did appear again until now)

However, I note that there was recent vanilla StreetComplete report about wrong Note location in https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/issues/5581 - at the time it was suspected it might've been due to new user error, but now sound too suspicious.

Versions affected

SCEE 57.2 on Android 14 (OneUI 6.1), Samsung Galaxy S23+

mnalis commented 5 months ago

While checking dozen or so other notes I opened in that session, they all look positioned correctly (some with pictures, some without; but none with track recording) until I found this note 4218471, made just prior to problematic one note 4218472 !

You'll see that both notes have exactly the same (incorrect by 200m+!) coordinates 45.8292443, 15.9048815 to the last decimal point; which should be hard to accomplish by just long-pressing on the map!

So my updated recollection:

westnordost commented 5 months ago

I expected that the note would be created at the location at the end of GPX track

No, the note is created at the crosshair position.

mnalis commented 5 months ago

No, the note is created at the crosshair position.

Correct, but I was scrolling the map (and adding amenity=bench POIs) as I went from North to the South position of way 1277944050, there is no reason why that red note marker would not be at the end (southernmost) position, or at least somewhere between starting (northernmost) position and ending (southernmost) position.

Most definitely it should not have ended up 200m+ north of northernmost position.

So (as also suspected in linked issue) perhaps it might be possible that StreetComplete/SCEE actually somehow automagically moved the marker position when the user did not ask it to do so. (it would be hard to notice, as the user usually would not expect that the Note marker would move after they placed it and before they finished typing text).

There is of course the possibility the I somehow moved it by myself willingly and then promptly forgot about it; but I do open notes quite often, and it did not seem to happen even once in several years (or I didn't notice), and now it happened about the same version as other person reported similar issue. Might be coincidence, but might be something more.

I will try to do more experiments to try to reproduce, but wanted to record my recollection while it was still fresh in my memory. Also, maybe something in my description might help @sjvudp remember "oh, I was doing somewhat similar when my issue happened".

mnalis commented 4 months ago

Another way the note gets created at wrong location if one has tilt enabled (i.e. not in "2D birdseye" mode). Note in the video at 00:00:01 I pressed to create exactly at position of the GPS (blue dot), but the map moved automatically to display form and marked ended noticeably below the selected position:


sjvudp commented 4 months ago

I don't know what's causing occasional severe mis-positioning of notes, but reading the remarks about rotation rings a bell for me: Usually I have the map rotation turned on so that top is direction of movement. Occasionally I rotate the map manually with the touch gesture. Quire recently I had the effect that StreetComplete claimed the GPS position would be elsewhere (not where I was standing). As I had OsmAnd running in the background and recording the route, I switched to OsmAnd, and there the position was correct. Switching back to StreetComplete eventually showed the correct position again. Before presenting the details, I think the issue is either calculation of map transformations relative to the (GPS) position, or the reading of the position (like misreading or dirty-reading it).

The first screenshot shows the wrong position (note the GPS indicator and "circle of confusion size"); I think I wrote a note regarding that small bridge across the river that did not exist any more (meaning: the hint position was at some distance from the current position):

Screenshot_2024-05-12-17-06-28-42_8a0120479a21d3140f77758520f645bd Screenshot_2024-05-12-17-07-09-49_8a0120479a21d3140f77758520f645bd

The second screenshot shows the correct position (where I had been standing actually). As the Time shown is "UTC+200", the corresponding trackpoints from OsmAnd are (no positions recorded in between):

      <trkpt lat="49.184025" lon="12.3430983">
      <trkpt lat="49.184115" lon="12.34336">

The distance between both positions is about 100 meters (see https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=49.184115%2012.34336#map=17/49.18477/12.34513); the actual walking distance is more like 1km. Quite unlikely to make it in less than 2 minutes.

Helium314 commented 4 months ago

The first screenshot shows the wrong position (note the GPS indicator and "circle of confusion size")

The large accuracy of the left screenshot hints that the location is coming from some GSM or LTE radio cell. SC uses inaccurate locations if no better recent location is available, see the related code if you're interested. And I would argue it might not be wrong, considering the large accuracy circle.

And btw if we need to duplicate the issue on SCEE tracker already, then it should really be about SCEE. The star counter on the screenshots indicates you're using StreetCompete.

sjvudp commented 4 months ago

The star counter on the screenshots indicates you're using StreetCompete.

Yes, sorry if I posted to the wrong repository.