HellAmbro / Trading212API

Unofficial Trading212 API
MIT License
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FEAT: Adding pricing history for instrument #35

Closed dowling-john closed 7 months ago

dowling-john commented 7 months ago

adding get pricing history for instrument("Company") adding candlestick object

dowling-john commented 7 months ago

I have just noticed a mistake in the ticker that i used for testing, I will fix it and push

HellAmbro commented 7 months ago

Hi, great work, i Will review and merge asap. Can you please provide some working example and add a sample in readme or examples folder. This will help new users to understand and use this new feature of the API. Thanks.

dowling-john commented 7 months ago

Hi I have added some examples and documentation.

One question about the html files that you are pushing to github pages, are these generated by a package ?

I can update them manually but am just wondering if they are genreated by soemthing ?

HellAmbro commented 7 months ago

Thanks. I Will review It and merge asap. Dont worry about GitHub Pages that is automatically generated on push.