HellFirePvP / AstralSorcery

Some magic mod
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Celestial Gateway star field doesn't appear #529

Closed bsvdw closed 6 years ago

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

I'm playing FTB Revelation on LAN with my bro (I'm the host), and the celestial gateway doesn't work right. When I walk onto the platform, it doesn't begin to darken and when I stand on the gateway and look at the destination, my HUD disappears. I can still teleport and the particles appear, but I have to remember where my other gateways are. If I close out of the game entirely and reload the world, it does darken, but when I look at the gold star, my HUD and the stars disappear, and I'm back where I started. From watching other YouTubers, the same thing happens to them, but only for a brief moment, while it takes a screenshot. I feel like for me it tries to take a screenshot for the remnant image, but the stars never return. This happens in any world I create in that modpack. Can someone help?

HellFirePvP commented 6 years ago

Anything in the log while doing so?

Doomgull commented 6 years ago

Also, version of Forge, please?

And are you running any spongeforge plugins?

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

I'm running (an unmodified) version 1.3.0 of the Official FTB Revelation Modpack. I haven't added any new mods to the modpack. I'm not sure what version of forge it is, and I don't know what spongeforge is. I've included the red text I saw in the log window. The first one I noticed on world startup, the second happened while walking towards the Gateway and during the teleport. Astral Sorcery Logs.txt

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

I've been informed by my bro that it works perfectly for him. I am not pleased with him. He is on the same world as me via LAN, and I'm the host. Is there anything I could try to fix my end of this?

Doomgull commented 6 years ago

That's an interesting looking one, if you delete the cache folder for the astral sorcery screenshots located inside the pack folder, does it change?

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

There are no screenshots in the C:\Users[MyName]\Downloads\FTB\FTBRevelation\minecraft\astralsorcery\gatewayScreenshots[WorldName] However, there are screenshots of the gates in C:\Users[MyName]\Downloads\FTB\FTBRevelation\minecraft\screenshots I've also just updated to FTB Revelation Version 1.4.0 without any result. I'm trying the deleting folders thing now.

Doomgull commented 6 years ago

Move it out of your user folder. Executing things out of the windows user folder tends to result in a weird permissions denials sometimes. See if it still repeats if you relocate the entire Minecraft instance into somewhere like c:\temp.

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

I have moved the entire FTB Folder into c:\temp Now how do I launch my game? When I open the FTB application and click the launch button, it makes a new FTB folder and reinstalls the modpack

Doomgull commented 6 years ago

Gotta go into the launvher options and change the path for pack installation to match. The help file/page for the launcher you are using siuld contain that information.

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

Launching the game from c:\temp method and deleting folders method have come up with nothing. Although I have learned my forge version is

bsvdw commented 6 years ago

[14:11:51] [main/INFO] [Astral Sorcery]: [AstralSorcery] Couldn't save screenshot for position: dimid=0, pos=BlockPos{x=519, y=67, z=-478} popped up in the log when I teleported just now. This was in white text, while everything else around it was red.

HellFirePvP commented 6 years ago

full log please. as always. >_>

bsvdw commented 6 years ago


HellFirePvP commented 6 years ago

[14:41:41] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.sun.imageio.spi.FileImageOutputStreamSpi:createOutputStreamInstance:-1]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\temp\FTB\FTBRevelation\minecraft\astralsorcery\gatewayScreenshots\if_she_breathes...\0\148;86;5.png (The system cannot find the path specified)

Well, seems like the filesystem doesn't support dots in names - who would've guessed. Thought i excluded them. Oh well.

Pseudoreal commented 3 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue. Was a fix found?

Doomgull commented 3 years ago

This was fixed 2.5 years ago in version 1.9. The fix was clearly found in the comment directly above yours.

Pseudoreal commented 3 years ago

Well I'm running AS 1.10.25 and this is still happening. After stepping on gateway my HUD disappears as well as the starscape. AS isn't creating any screenshots. I can't find any permission issues that would be stopping it. I do have a "..." as part of my world name. Is that why?

Pseudoreal commented 3 years ago

Removed the "..." from the end of my world name. Seems to be working fine now. Sorry, from the wording above it looked like that was something that was patched.