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How does Zeronet work with Tor? #147

Closed Mikaela closed 5 years ago

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

I am mainly wondering:

My two last questions are, because I started running multiple Tor instances on the sme host, one for single hop onions for faster SSH through NATs and one for normal client (as single hop onions require SocksPort 0). Only later I checked how to make the client be used by everything instead of the single hop onion and I wonder if the client is compromised by Zeronet even if it only hosts Zeronet services. My Zeronet instance itself is not compromised, because I am running it in both Tor and clearnet IPv6.

I think the two first questions could also interest other users in the FAQ or similar place.

HelloZeroNet commented 5 years ago

It's using ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=X command to create new onion services, that are generated on every startup, so it's not persistent.

It does not check the tor config values, so it's possible to enable "HiddenServiceSingleHopMode/HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode" settings.

Right now it's not possible to set the hidden service addresses manually, so it will report the trackers and expect connection from the hidden services it generates on the startup. (using the ADD_ONION command)

I hope this answer you questions.

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Thank you