HelloZeroNet / ZeroBundle

Packed ZeroNet dependecies
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Please provide an AppImage for Linux #17

Open probonopd opened 7 years ago

probonopd commented 7 years ago

Continuation of https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/issues/283 (we were told that this issue belongs into this project here).

probonopd commented 7 years ago

Made an experimental AppImage using https://github.com/AppImage/AppImages/blob/master/recipes/ZeroNet.yml which bundles Python, ZeroNet, and the required libraries all into one single file that a user can download and execute. Eventually Tor could also be bundled.

More testing is required. An AppImage for testing can be downloaded from https://bintray.com/probono/AppImages/ZeroNet#files

If there is interest, it would be possible to make it work as part of the continuous Travis CI builds for HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet.

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this?

HelloZeroNet commented 6 years ago

It would be nice if someone could add a pull request to make it part of Travis CI script

probonopd commented 6 years ago

When running, as of today,

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AppImage/AppImages/master/pkg2appimage
bash -ex pkg2appimage ZeroNet

# AppImage got produced, now let's run it

then I am getting

[13:22:38] - Creating FileServer....
[13:22:38] TorManager Connecting to Tor Controller
[13:22:38] TorManager Tor controller connect error: error: [Errno 111] Connection refused in TorManager.py line 170 > socket.py line 342
[13:22:38] TorManager Starting self-bundled Tor, due to Tor proxy port check error: No connection
[13:22:38] - Creating UiServer....
[13:22:38] - Unhandled exception: 'Config' object has no attribute 'ui_host'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "zeronet.py", line 19, in main
  File "/tmp/.mount_ZeroNeSISODL/usr/share/zeronet/src/main.py", line 504, in start
    actions.call(config.action, action_kwargs)
  File "/tmp/.mount_ZeroNeSISODL/usr/share/zeronet/src/main.py", line 157, in call
  File "/tmp/.mount_ZeroNeSISODL/usr/share/zeronet/src/main.py", line 167, in main
    ui_server = UiServer()
  File "/tmp/.mount_ZeroNeSISODL/usr/share/zeronet/src/Ui/UiServer.py", line 61, in __init__
    if config.ui_host:
AttributeError: 'Config' object has no attribute 'ui_host'
[13:22:38] - Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "zeronet.py", line 91, in <module>
  File "zeronet.py", line 64, in main
    traceback.print_exc(file=open(config.log_dir + "/error.log", "a"))
AttributeError: 'Config' object has no attribute 'log_dir'

Why? Can it be fixed?

HelloZeroNet commented 6 years ago

You should remove the - wget -q "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/probonopd/ZeroNet/b8fb53ba2027a99285fc68015293263eb2376b29/src/Config.py" -O usr/share/zeronet/src/Config.py line from ZeroNet.yml as it overwrites the Config.py with an old version one

probonopd commented 6 years ago

Thanks, this works. So it should be a matter of running (e.g., in Travis CI, but outside a Docker container)

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AppImage/AppImages/master/pkg2appimage
bash -ex pkg2appimage ZeroNet

# Then upload
Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

How long will it take until it gets official?

probonopd commented 6 years ago

I don't know where to best hook this in...

probonopd commented 6 years ago

Any chance there will ever be an official AppImage? All the work has already been done...

adrelanos commented 3 years ago


It would be nice if someone could add a pull request to make it part of Travis CI script

@HelloZeroNet might be waiting for that?

HulaHoop0 commented 3 years ago


Any chance you can pin the python dependencies by listing their sha256 hashes in the build file among other techniques to make the appimage reproducible? Please see how Electrum BTC wallet does this for inspiration: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/tree/master/contrib/build-linux/appimage

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Hello @HulaHoop0 thanks for your suggestion. Please have a look at https://github.com/AppImage/pkg2appimage/blob/master/recipes/ZeroNet.yml, I think it is possible to do it there. Feel free to send a pull request if you can get it working. Unfortunately I don't have the time to look into it myself currently.

The YML format is described at https://github.com/AppImage/pkg2appimage/blob/master/YML.md.