HelloZeroNet / ZeroBundle

Packed ZeroNet dependecies
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python shell script can't handle files with spaces in it #21

Open anoadragon453 opened 5 years ago

anoadragon453 commented 5 years ago

The ZeroBundle/Python/python script has an issue on line 4 where it needs to wrap the $DIR/python2.7 part in double quotes. Otherwise it fails to start ZeroNet if it's in a path that has a space in it. This is what the entire file should look like instead:

DIR=$(dirname "$0")
export SSL_CERT_FILE=$DIR/../ssl/cert.pem
"$DIR/python2.7" "$@

I'm not sure where to submit a PR for this hence the issue instead.

HelloZeroNet commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting, I will fix this with the python3 release