HelloZeroNet / ZeroBundle

Packed ZeroNet dependecies
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Tkinter GUI download progress #9

Open ysc3839 opened 7 years ago

ysc3839 commented 7 years ago

I think it's good. But the ZeroBundle doesn't include tkinter. https://gist.github.com/ysc3839/208c0db6a40677e54027d339e96ad713

HelloZeroNet commented 7 years ago

Yeah, thanks for the code it would be nice to have a progress bar, but i'm not a big fan of tkinter (looks bad, slow startup) and including it to zerobundle would significantly increase the size of it.

So I think the possible solutions:

ysc3839 commented 7 years ago

I'm good at Win32 development and I can make one using ctypes. As for Linux, we can use GTK+ with ctypes. But I know nothing about it. For macOS, it seems that we can't use ctypes to call objc APIs. We have to use pyobjc.

HelloZeroNet commented 7 years ago

The third option would be not doing this in python, but using a standard installer, placing desktop/startmenu icon like most user expect. Like .msi or nullsoft install system

ysc3839 commented 7 years ago

I think a "green" software (not require install, not write files into other folders) is good.

ysc3839 commented 7 years ago

I considered using py2exe in Windows. But I think it's not good to create a data directory in exe's path because this will mess it up. I like macOS's bundle.