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better management on the left side (for faster access) #6

Open Erkan-Yilmaz opened 8 years ago

Erkan-Yilmaz commented 8 years ago

I'd like more than reordering (1).

Currently on the left site in ZeroHello, I have my sites under "favorited sites", and all others are in "connected sites" (and this takes me time to find single ZeroNet sites).

What I'd need is: "my sites" where I put my sites in, and a collapsing/expanding for this "my sites" (collapsing, so I could reach sites faster, without moving the mouse much).

Also, I'd like many more such collapsable entries (where I can add sites), which I can name myself.

So, the structure could be like this:

"my sites" "favorited sites" "todo (read in future)" "friends" "connected sites" " < add new entry > "

(1) https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroHello/issues/1

HelloZeroNet commented 8 years ago

Could be possible, but why not use the browser's favorite function?

Erkan-Yilmaz commented 8 years ago

I assume you mean the bookmark feature (1) The restructure I'd like because I have the newsfeed in ZeroHello to stay always uptodate.

(1) I don't know I am not just using it, probably there might be a shortcut combination, so I don't need to go over the browser menu.

kseistrup commented 8 years ago

I agree with @Erkan-Yilmaz, I would also like to see user-customizable and collapsible category labels in the sidebar of ZeroHello – it would make the sidebar much more manageable and useful.

slrslr commented 6 years ago

yes, allow adding tags to sites and allow search to return these tags. Then clicking tag will expand list of sites under it.

I see there is PR request where is an attempt to categorize zites: https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroHello/pull/78 but i am unsure if that implementation would allow enough fast way to find categorized zite: favorite zites would be moved out of sight and i would have to do additional clicks in order to open zite categories (if they are collapsible, else it would eat too much space) and there would be many zites in categories so it may need sub categories. Then later when i need to find zite in different category, i would have to 1) collapse existing category, 2) find proper one, 3) open it and 4) find zite. -> slow

Maybe better if A) Recently downloaded, Favorited, Owned, Connecting, Connected will be collapsed by default allowing faster access to to appropriate list and site menu has new option "Tag" which opens dialog with a dropdown of existing tags + option to add new one.

C) there would be a new button which opens menu with all categories and subcategories will be opened just by hovering mouse, after clicking zite, menu is closed and everything is clean. + allow Ctrl/Shift click to open multiple sites.