HelloZeroNet / ZeroID

ZeroNet authentication provider
GNU General Public License v2.0
42 stars 22 forks source link

I'm trying to register a user but it gives error #34

Open eduardoaddad opened 4 years ago

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

Error: Error while during request: Forbidden Referer error.

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

Afaik there were no such issues before. What browser are you using?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

Google Chrome

Afaik there were no such issues before. What browser are you using?

Google Chrome

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

@imachug ?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

screenshot : https://i.imgur.com/ela0T87.png

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

That's interesting. Are you using any extensions that might affect Referer? Are you using a local gateway ( or a public proxy?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

no @imachug

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

Are you using to access ZeroNet?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago yes

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

screenshot : https://i.imgur.com/PemKDFx.png @imachug

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

Ok... that's weird. I'm wondering whether you're using some unstable version of ZeroNet, idk. Can you do the following:

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

done @imachug file: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkSkLufGGiz9gbRfXhdIUZyFxFhOTg?e=fMcGkZ or https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=fd2c1ac6e72ea444&id=FD2C1AC6E72EA444%2123135&authkey=!AF4XSFGchcRYTk4

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

Interesting, I see literally no differencies between my gateway behaviour and yours. The only difference I can think about is referrer policy which is no-referrer-when-downgrade for me but is unset for you. What ZeroNet version are you using?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

version: 0.7.1 (rev4206) @imachug

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

@imachug ?

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

Oh, sorry; I kinda missed your reply. Let me take a look.

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

It looks like some weird issues with ZeroID code, I don't have access to it unfortunately. @HelloZeroNet Can you send me the connected part of code (you probably won't want to send all the code for security) or debug it yourself?

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago


purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

I was actually looking for ZeroID backend code which unfortunately only nofish has. The backend code in this repository is outdated.

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

how can I solve ? @imachug

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

I guess we'll have to wait for @HelloZeroNet .

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

I would recommend you to try other browsers for tests; that might help.

eduardoaddad commented 4 years ago

firefox doesn't work either @imachug