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Recommend a decentralized and full P2P ID provider, and enable it on official sites #1646

Open danimesq opened 5 years ago

danimesq commented 5 years ago


krixano commented 5 years ago

I did make a PR on ZeroTalk. One of the things that's really needed before very wide acceptance of KxoId is that I need a better computer because the one that I use right now freezes after a few days.

danimesq commented 5 years ago

Instead of a better computer, more trusted nodes.

krixano commented 5 years ago

I'll get to that, I think I just need to figure a few things out for that first. Like, do I trust other client's with my zite's private key (which is different from the private key used to give out signatures for users) in order to add to the index, or should I have some system where there may be a delay for a user to be added to the index (note that you don't need to be on the index to be able to use your new id, but it'll let people search for you), or I could have a thing where each trusted node/peer can add to the index using their own user, etc. And then there's slight problems where if two peers handle the registration for someone, their name may be added to the index twice. This isn't too big of a problem, but I would like to sort this out too.

As I'm currently a little busy with school work, I've been thinking about how to fix these issues. When I find the time, then I'll work on this.

HelloZeroNet commented 5 years ago


The POW based ZeroID providers are still planned and would be relatively easy to add. I started to generate a "1ZeroiD[0-9]", but it never finished, I will fire it up again.

danimesq commented 5 years ago

@shortcutme What about unique names without relying on server?

HelloZeroNet commented 5 years ago

Not sure if it's possible

danimesq commented 5 years ago

If you use trusted nodes like KxoID

Thunder33345 commented 5 years ago

well it still relies in something to keep everything in order..

a truly serverless nodeless system can: utilize bitcoin cryptography itself, ever notice what's the odds of 2 bitcoin address begin the same? we can just have user's names as bitcoin address

of course we lose the ability to pick handlers but it's the price we pay Also see: Zooko's Triangle we can never really pick all of it at once

but for truly self maintained ID(id that can be generated without connection to any servers or approval by any server yet maintains uniqueness) will take more work and probably should be in another issue

rllola commented 5 years ago

@Thunder33345 Namecoin isn't suppose to be the first solution to Zooko Triangle ?

Namecoin was also the first solution to Zooko’s Triangle, the long-standing problem of producing a naming system that is simultaneously secure, decentralized, and human-meaningful.


Why the need for something else ?

Thunder33345 commented 5 years ago

i mean i am assuming our endgoal is to have a trustless and decentralized system with always unique username i think unique enforced by crypto is always better then begin enforced by trusted authority namecoin works by all actions costing money, double edged sword there

Why the need for something else ?

what you meant by? we could also use namecoin for usernames but who want to pay every time for a username but the idea of a system that dont rely on trust is nice

but using raw bitcoin address as username would be somewhat customisable yet 100% unique and decentralized yet trustless

rllola commented 5 years ago

i mean i am assuming our endgoal is to have a trustless and decentralized system with always unique username

No my bad I though we were talking about DNS (I still had my head on an other issue). Namecoin doesn't fill the unique id purpose.

You are right current system is centralized and it is not great. We have 3 solutions :

I say pick the less worst solution :smile:

Thunder33345 commented 5 years ago

re POW:

we can have something like POWless but use bitcoin crypto so it's just impossible or financially unviable to create the same bitcoin address but free to create an user these who want readable names can use POW to generate something somewhat readable, the more determined character means more POW cost i will be honest dragging whatever characters after the prefix dosent look pretty either but it's some sort of possible compromise

we can also somehow create our own crypto(sounds bad but lets just assume it on paper) which would have something like a 2 part system there would be "display name" which is "easier to regenerate to our liking" and a "unique id" part of the name which is longer and harder to duplicate(could also derive unique avatar out of said unique ID to make it impossible to impersonate)

drawbacks: major backward compatibility breaking how to even make it compatible with the current system is yet to be figured how to actually make it a reality is yet to be figured inhouse developed protocols might be prone to exploits thus need even more testing before using

which also reminds me of some self singing cert providers why not just use them, they already can customise the username display, and the auth address is always unique, we can derive an identifier based off the auth address to each user so they cant be impersonated and afterthought: there's not much differences other then the fact of the ladder already existed...

now by that said centralized will have to make do with for now but we can do better, and we should do better in the future

it's a step from finally stop needing clearnet request to get an ID so that's an improvement i will take, it still needs trusted bodies but it nolonger need clearnet