HelloZeroNet / ZeroNet

ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. #1665

Closed blurHY closed 2 years ago

blurHY commented 5 years ago

rev 3611

[2018-09-27 17:00:52,255] ERROR    Site:17furi..SvJL Error importing merged-ZeroMe/185yXNL48LTZyKfNo6WgyKshtMgcV3mecL/data/users/1JARuoKjvXanUeKyPTXU9cus2jRzi4DZU5/content.json: ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. in SiteStorage.py line 151 > ContentFilterPlugin.py line 165 > SiteStorage.py line 90 > Db.py line 298 > DbCursor.py line 163 > DbCursor.py line 71
[2018-09-27 17:00:52,403] ERROR    Site:17furi..SvJL Error importing merged-ZeroMe/185yXNL48LTZyKfNo6WgyKshtMgcV3mecL/data/users/1JARuoKjvXanUeKyPTXU9cus2jRzi4DZU5/data.json: ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. in SiteStorage.py line 151 > ContentFilterPlugin.py line 165 > SiteStorage.py line 90 > Db.py line 269 > DbCursor.py line 163 > DbCursor.py line 71
[2018-09-27 17:00:52,625] ERROR    Site:17furi..SvJL Error importing merged-ZeroMe/185yXNL48LTZyKfNo6WgyKshtMgcV3mecL/data/users/1GAWwPWreQXo1CwcefCgL6w5wYPkNFWbsj/content.json: ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. in SiteStorage.py line 151 > ContentFilterPlugin.py line 165 > SiteStorage.py line 90 > Db.py line 298 > DbCursor.py line 163 > DbCursor.py line 71
[2018-09-27 17:00:52,736] ERROR    Site:17furi..SvJL Error importing merged-ZeroMe/185yXNL48LTZyKfNo6WgyKshtMgcV3mecL/data/users/1GAWwPWreQXo1CwcefCgL6w5wYPkNFWbsj/data.json: ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. in SiteStorage.py line 151 > ContentFilterPlugin.py line 165 > SiteStorage.py line 90 > Db.py line 269 > DbCursor.py line 163 > DbCursor.py line 71
[2018-09-27 17:00:53,042] ERROR    Site:17furi..SvJL Error importing merged-ZeroMe/185yXNL48LTZyKfNo6WgyKshtMgcV3mecL/data/users/15Q5U52Aqgjb66GkzhkGKDYgWsqR8TEkJG/content.json: ProgrammingError: Cannot 
blurHY commented 5 years ago

Full log file

slrslr commented 5 years ago

Yes, i faced this too just now, it was hammering my HDD for 10 minutes (produced 50K these errors log lines) until i killed start.py. (ZN 0.6.4 r3688, Python 2.7.11)

HelloZeroNet commented 5 years ago

I have added a possible fix for this in Rev3703, but probably needs more testing: https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/commit/8cf30893f23af0e4ac381c4d74fb01ed2e1bdd67

slrslr commented 5 years ago

Thank you, my debug.log no longer gets flooded by that errors when i search at ZeroHello and when i use ZeroMe, it seems it is fixed. Thank you for quick fix.