HelloZeroNet / ZeroNet

ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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Add protocol to supply ZN Coin mining. #2848

Open HanEightTurtle opened 3 weeks ago

HanEightTurtle commented 3 weeks ago

I hope there will be a corresponding coin, such as ZN coin, to incentivize nodes involved in building sites or participating in caching. Additionally, a distributed DNS server can be set up, allowing site owners to spend ZN coin to purchase domain names through the protocol. In my opinion, ZeroNet is the true Web3.

caryoscelus commented 3 weeks ago

there are (were?) a lot of people preferring 0net precisely because of no crypto associated with it. my personal stance is that no blockchain should be mandatory to any part of it (including no "distributed" "dns") because a) commercial incentives are attracting bad actors and b) the concept of consensus is a different form of centralization

that said, i don't see anything wrong with building a layer of incentivizing storage nodes.. if anyone can make it abuse-proof

anyhow, this repo is dead, see fork(s) for more alive version(s)