Hellowlol / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Feature Request: plexWatch front-end module #266

Open thatbritguy opened 8 years ago

thatbritguy commented 8 years ago

I use plexWatch and currently am using plexWatchWeb as a front-end but it runs painfully slow and I hate having to jump out of HTPC Manager to do stuff. So I wondered if you'd consider adding a plexWatch front end module to HTPC? Basically contain the same info as plexWatchWeb with each page on there being equivalent of a tab in the HTPC module and in the HTPC style so it looks good and loads fast!

Hellowlol commented 8 years ago

Hi! This isnt something i would have use for so i will not add it, but i can see that i can be uselfull so if any is up for the task ill help the best i can. You can use the new iframe option to integrate plexwatch front end it htpc manager. Or you can try https://bitbucket.org/raphaelmutschler/plexivity or https://github.com/drzoidberg33/plexpy

bakman2 commented 8 years ago

I use plexivity - i would like to have it on the dashboard, but there is no api. (or instead: would actually be great to see if someone is watching plex - on the dashboard)

Hellowlol commented 8 years ago

@bakman2 That should be simple to add. You obviously know your stuff so i reckon you can do this your self?

bakman2 commented 8 years ago

lol I know some javascript/jquery but python is a little different for me. I will take a look though.

Hellowlol commented 8 years ago

No python is required. (Since that the plex module already supports this)

See how the plex modules does it here: https://github.com/Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager/blob/master2/interfaces/default/js/plex.js#L581

Hellowlol commented 8 years ago

I have recently started using plexpy so it might be supported at a later date. I have to see how much time i have as the api is really limiting atm.

Foebik commented 8 years ago

+1 for PlexPy

thatbritguy commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on this. PlexPy has obviously matured a lot since I was first looking for solutions. I've now migrated my plexWatch database to it and am loving it so far.

Hellowlol commented 8 years ago

@raysguy speaking of plex, any change you can make plexitixy colors more like plexpy? The bright orange is hurting my eyes :p