Hellowlol / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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PlexPy UI Updates #540

Closed strikerjjb closed 7 years ago

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

New Editions

Added two tab UI to display some information returned from the following endpoints: get_activity get_history get_home_stats


Created one new library dependency on datatables.js add the download files and the cdn code to base.html Also used the code in the plex module for grabbing thumbnails so plex module must be setup in order for plexpy module to pull image properly.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the pr. I'm busy for a couple of days but I'm really looking forward to review this pr. I also need plexpy backend code.

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

@Hellowlol I am not a huge python programmer, but I could look at how some of the endpoints are set up on the other modules and port them over for the three that I am using above plus potentially one for the image pull. I think the way you set it up now it just does a pass through to plexpy which is how I coded the jquery calls to work.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Plexpy module dynamically creates a endpoint for each API commend. I'm gonna restrict it to the ones we need.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

I just tested it now. Very nice job mate. Any chance you can add some more charts etc.

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

I will look at the other endpoints and see what I can pull. Probably will require the addition of a charting library but shouldn't be that bad. After this was looking at updating the front end to a newer bootstrap framework possibly. [2.3.2 is kinda old]

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Go for it. Dunno how it will playout with out themes tho. Im really grateful anytime someone want contribute with anything specially the front end. In all fairness htpc manager should be rewritten from scratch with a asynchronous framework.

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

I thought about angular or react on top then thought about the level of effort :). Will see what I have time for. Also, I found a set of BS3 plugin themes here: https://bootswatch.com/ that could replace what we have now as it seems raysguys is not active on github much anymore.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Let me know when you are done with this.

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

@Hellowlol you want the charts in before we call this done correct? I started on them early this week.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

No its not needed. If you happy with the pr as it is ill take it from there.

strikerjjb commented 7 years ago

Let's take it from where it is. Would love for a larger audience to test and see what feedback comes in. If there is demand for charts I can add in charts. I suspect folks are probably going to want a dashboard widget but will see.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Alright. Ill merge with the targeted branch. People can switch to this branch for now. More work on it before i merge it with master2