Hellowlol / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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[Request] Remote storage server stats #551

Open MattTwinkleToes opened 7 years ago

MattTwinkleToes commented 7 years ago

I found and installed this today, what a wonderful fork to help manage the growing number of separate web pages that I have to look at.

I like the stats section, where it tells me about the health of SMART and various file systems but what I am most interested in is having the basic stats of my NAS servers on the HTPC-Manager page.

For example, on my Synology (I have 3) It is useful to have an indicator of the general health, Storage usage, CPU and Network usage as it is shown in the DSM UI. There is an API but also a pretty decent SNMP mib.

For me this is the only thing that is missing from giving me a complete picture of my systems and I bet a lot of other people would find this useful too.

Let me know if I can be of any help, I am not a developer but am devops savy so am happy to help.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

Hi! Thanks you for taking interest in my fork. I dont have Synology so i don't think this will be added. I dont know if its possible to add https://github.com/firehol/netdata to Synology, but i would do that if it possible and add netdata in "other links" and enable the iframe option (in general settings tab)

MattTwinkleToes commented 7 years ago

HI mate, well, it need not be limited to only synology, it could be for any NAS and operate in the OS layer. At the moment, I have a long list of every filesystem on the OS that HTPC-Manager is running on but I have several other servers that form the bigger picture, I have Synology, a couple of other linux boxes, my router, some Western Digital and QNAP NAS servers.

If we could just group that all into one place it would helpful. WHile it is cool to have S.M.A.R.T monitoring on the HTPC-Manager host, i´m much more interested in S.M.A.R.T on the content storage disks on the other servers.

Do you see what i mean?