Hellowlol / bw_plex

binge watching for plex
MIT License
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exception in process_to_db #40

Closed ChrisMISDB closed 6 years ago

ChrisMISDB commented 6 years ago

Let me preface this by that it's most probably a configuration issue. I'm a programmer, but not a python programmer so there's a very decent chance that I have some sort of missing file/path variable/link/etc that's causing the problem.

I haven't been able to run "bw_plex.py watch" or "plex.py process" without poblems. "Watch" starts working until I play a file.

I was reading through the open issues and this one: https://github.com/Hellowlol/bw_plex/issues/34 had a suggestion to checkout a different branch (ffs branch) with some additional logging so I did that and ran this command:

plex.py test_show cheers -s 3 -e 12

Attached is the log file that shows the error. log.txt

I'm apparently missing some module/file/script but I cannot figure out which one it is or where it should go! Any help would be greatly appreciated and sorry if it's something really dumb that I did.

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

Hi! Thanks for testing bw_plex. Your right, it seems to be missing some modules. How did you install bw_plex?

ChrisMISDB commented 6 years ago

I used pip install -e git+https://github.com/Hellowlol/bw_plex.git#egg=bw_plex

and pip install bw_plex[all]

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

Okie, let pick one and stick with it. Uninstall with pip. Just use the command with the GitHub link again and try again. If it still fails do pip list and paste the output here.

ChrisMISDB commented 6 years ago

Okay uninstalled and reinstalled from github and still have error in the same place. Attached is the pip list output piplog.txt

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

This is mine.

Package                 Version              Location      
----------------------- -------------------- --------------
audioread               2.1.5                
beautifulsoup4          4.6.0                
bw-plex                 0.0.8.dev11+g3be8d65 c:\src\bw-plex
certifi                 2018.4.16            
chardet                 3.0.4                
click                   6.7                  
configobj               5.0.6                
cycler                  0.10.0               
decorator               4.3.0                
dlib                    19.8.1               
docopt                  0.6.2                
et-xmlfile              1.0.1                
face-recognition        1.2.2                
face-recognition-models 0.3.0                
fire                    0.1.3                
html5lib                1.0.1                
idna                    2.6                  
jdcal                   1.4                  
joblib                  0.11                 
kiwisolver              1.0.1                
librosa                 0.6.1                
llvmlite                0.23.0               
matplotlib              2.2.2                
numba                   0.38.0               
numpy                   1.14.3               
odfpy                   1.3.6                
openpyxl                2.5.3                
Pillow                  5.1.0                
pip                     10.0.1               
plex-cli                0.0.4                
PlexAPI                 3.0.6                
profilehooks            1.10.0               
psutil                  5.4.5                
pyparsing               2.2.0                
pypillowfight           0.2.4                
pytesseract             0.2.0                
python-dateutil         2.7.3                
pytz                    2018.4               
PyYAML                  3.12                 
requests                2.18.4               
resampy                 0.2.0                
scikit-learn            0.19.1               
scipy                   1.1.0                
setuptools              39.2.0               
six                     1.11.0               
SQLAlchemy              1.2.7                
srt                     1.6.0                
tablib                  0.12.1               
torch                   0.4.0                
torchvision             0.2.1                
tqdm                    4.23.4               
unicodecsv              0.14.1               
urllib3                 1.22                 
webencodings            0.5.1                
websocket-client        0.47.0               
xlrd                    1.1.0                
xlwt                    1.3.0                
yapf                    0.22.0               
youtube-dl              2018.5.18    

Hm, your llvmlite seems to be broken. Can you try to uninstall that and numba and install numba 0.38.0 ?

ChrisMISDB commented 6 years ago

Hrmm, no luck. I unistalled both llvmlite and numba and reinstalled. I tried (via uninstalling and reinstalling) both the most up-to-date version (0.23.2 and 0.38.1 respectively) and the specific 0.23.0 and 0.38.0 that your pip has.

Is there any way I can add deubgging in so I can find out what specific module is missing or not working correctly?

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

Your can see the file that is missing in the trace back in the log. You could try using Conda to install the packages manually (the one listed in requirements.txt)

ChrisMISDB commented 6 years ago

Tried Conda to install all the packages from the requirements.txt and still have the same problem.

Oh, well, good luck with the project. If you get a Docker install working at some point, I may give it another shot, but f*8k python and it's dependencies.

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

LOL, thanks. I’ll ping you when the docker is up.

Hellowlol commented 6 years ago

I just added a docker file.