Helly1206 / skin.xonfluence

eXtended MOD of Confluence skin
27 stars 45 forks source link

small minor feature request - but it really would make a big help! #44

Open dreamcat4 opened 5 years ago

dreamcat4 commented 5 years ago

Hi again! This is a long-time follow up for previous issue #10. It's somehow a continuation of that. What happened:

You kindda fixed my previous feature request, and I have since upgraded to kodi 17. So now I am (finally!) up to date with your skin again. And the OSD display options during playback is better than the old ways before.

However it still is not perfect because:

When paused, there is still always some paused displayed showing in the top corner. With the 'paused' icon, plus the time index.

This is an issue because:

a) I cannot take a clean screenshot of the frame of the video that is currently paused. Many times, I will need to pause a playing youtube video for research. And need to capture that screenshot because it may contain valuable information. Such as a photo reference / diagram. Or briefly flashed listing.

And I cannot take the screenshot whilst playing. Because the slow responsiveness of kodi. I must pause playback on the correct frame of video first. Then have enough time to make the screenshot.

b) The 2nd reason is (yet again!) to do with subtitles. What has happened this time, is that (it's same problem as before!). That I need to actually pause the screen occasionally to have enough time to read a subtitle. Because they are talking too fast. OK then. BUT my preferred subtitle position on the screen has had to move now, from the bottom of the screen to the top. Because the bottom lines of my TV is now rather obscured.

And well... what do you know? The little 'It's Paused' badge icon and time position covers over the subtitle text. Which prevents (yet again!) from me to actually read the subtitle. WHich was the only reason I actually had to pause the video in the first place.

TO top it all off: I know I paused my video. Because i pressed the pause button. And there is no audio. And the screen frame is frozen. So I never need a damn icon to tell me it's paused. And if I am not certain. I can just press the play/pause button again to check. (which is very easy to do, because it's my most pressed button on the remote).

SO why force this label on the user always? Can I turn it off? Answer is no. Why? It actually hampers / hurts the usability. Please let an obscure option to hide it. Thank you!

I will continue to wait for this feature, and for a long time. Please try to fix if you can. However long it takes. I really would appreciate that! Kind Regards