Helmholtz-AI-Matter / HAICON24-unconference

This repo is for collecting and managing the contributions for the Helmholtz AI Conference 2024
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LLM4Science Hackathon #2

Closed Irratzo closed 3 months ago

Irratzo commented 5 months ago


LLM4Science Hackathon

Connected issues: Satellite events issue, unconference issue. Deprecate whichever has been ruled out.


A hackathon where researchers can play around with language models (LLMs), apply them to their data of choice, integrate them with their services of interest, etc. Here are some examples of similar hackathons and their outcomes. 1, 2, 3. Here are some possibly relevant Helmholtz resources. Blablador, OpenGTP-X. Other maybe useful material: karpathy, ethz-llm24.


The organization would be found in discussion in this issue thread.


Name Role School Affiliation Contacts
Johannes Wasmer TBD HDSLEE FZJ PGI-1 @Irratzo, j dot wasmer at fz-juelich.de, workplace profile

More hosts would be found in discussion in this issue thread.


The format would be found in discussion in this issue thread.


The timeframe and duration would be found in discussion in this issue thread.

One point to determine is whether to do this event at the satellite events on June 11 in Jülich (longer) or at the unconference June 12 morning (shorter). See "connected issues" above.

Number of participants



Required materials would be found in discussion in this issue thread.

helenehoffmann commented 3 months ago

Dear Johannes, is it already decided whether this will be part of the satellite day?

Irratzo commented 3 months ago

This issue has been deprecated in favor of the connected Satellite events issue.