Helmholtz-AI-Matter / HAICON24-unconference

This repo is for collecting and managing the contributions for the Helmholtz AI Conference 2024
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NODEA - Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Anonymous #4

Open psteinb opened 2 months ago

psteinb commented 2 months ago


NODEA - Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Anonymous


This sessions is supposed to be an introduction to neural ordinary differentiable equations (Neural ODEs). As one of the core techniques behind generative approaches like normalizing flows or flow matching as well as being an alternative to backpropagation for training networks neural ODEs have gained considerable traction in the community. Independent of your scientific background, the main concepts can be difficult to grasp. Hence, we would like to invite you to NODEA - Neural Ordinary Differential Equation Anonymous - to gather some understanding of neural ODEs and possibly come up with ideas for the new applications areas.

Feel free to prepare yourself using these resources:



Peter Steinbach (HZDR) @psteinb Markus Götz (KIT) @Markus-Goetz




Number of participants



helenehoffmann commented 3 weeks ago

@psteinb @Markus-Goetz

Thank you so much for hosting a session at this Unconference! Your participation is what makes this event truly special. Please, be prepared to give a 1-minute pitch for your topic to share at the beginning of the Unconference.

We’re excited to see you there and can’t wait for an amazing event! Best, The Organizing Team

SusanneWenzel commented 1 week ago

Dear @psteinb ,

many thanks for your contribution! We hope your session was successful and constructive!

To make this not only a nice experience during the conference but a sustainable format, we would like to release a short result on the Helmholtz AI Website. Please provide us with a little report about the discussion in your session:

Depending on the intensity of the session it can be shorter (1/3 page) or longer (one pager).

Please post your report here by end of next week. Ina already confirmed to release that at a HAICON24 subpage at Helmholtz.ai.

Best regards, @helenehoffmann and Susanne