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Menu built-in JavaScript function support #127

Open INSide-734 opened 1 month ago

INSide-734 commented 1 month ago

Is it possible to incorporate an in-built JavaScript function like those in TrMenu

And supports calling functions between menus.

The following is an example from TrMenu.

  flash: |-
    function flash() {
      var display = new Date().getSeconds() % 2 == 0
      return display ? args[0] : "  "

In this example, we define a function called flash under Functions. This function checks if the current system time (seconds) is even and returns the passed parameter or a space accordingly.

This function can create a blinking animation effect and supports custom parameters as the blinking symbol.

The call format is ${[funcName]_[Arg1]_[Arg2]}, for example ${flash_>}.

The line var args = new Array() is automatically added above the default function, and the arguments are written into it. Thus, the parameters passed to the built-in function can be directly used in the form of the args array.

  servers: 'vars("${bStats.query_servers_&a_&7 servers}")'
  players: 'vars("${bStats.query_players_&6_&7 players}")'
  menus: 'vars("${bStats.query_menus_&2_&7 menus}")'
  opens: |-
    function opens() {
      var data = utils.query("")
      if (data.has()){
        return "&b" + data.asJson().getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonArray().get(1) + "&7"
      return "&8Loading." + vars("${flash_.}") + "&7"
  query: |-
    function query() {
      var data = utils.query("" + args[0] + "/data?maxElements=1")
      if (data.has()){
        return args[1] + data.asJson().getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonArray().get(1) + args[2]
      return "&8Loading." + vars("${flash_.}")