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Add "has nbt" requirement type #7

Open BlitzOffline opened 8 months ago

BlitzOffline commented 8 months ago

It was suggested in the HelpChat Discord server that we add a new requirement type that would allow menus to check if specific NBT tags are set, what value they have, etc.

We would have to first decide if this is a good idea or not and then what are all the features this will add and how they will look like.


Oribuin commented 8 months ago

With the CheckItem Expansion, id regard this feature as pretty redundant to implement and unnecessary workload.

cj89898 commented 7 months ago

With the CheckItem Expansion, id regard this feature as pretty redundant to implement and unnecessary workload.

This would be unrelated to items. Talking about NBT data for players.

I also just noticed the ScoreboardTags expansion on the ecloud, and this seems like it could be easy to implement. I just tested the expansion, and it works; for those of you that want to implement it in your menus before it (possibly) gets implemented into deluxemenus

BlitzOffline commented 7 months ago

This would be unrelated to items. Talking about NBT data for players.

The initial idea was to add the requirement for items. I didn't even consider it might also be used for other stuff such as players.

I am still not sure if this is a good idea or not. We have been trying very hard to remove any unnecessary NBT usage from DeluxeMenus.

Work on a proper API is also going to begin soon (hopefully) so this issue might be irrelevant then.

cj89898 commented 7 months ago

The initial idea was to add the requirement for items. I didn't even consider it might also be used for other stuff such as players.

Oh I see. The user in discord was wanting to check if a player had an NBT tag, not if the player had an item with an nbt tag with a specific value.

Either way, right now both of these things can be done with the CheckItem/ScoreboardTags expansions.