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Add cooldown time #94

Open 1470429149 opened 4 months ago

1470429149 commented 4 months ago

I think this is a very necessary feature and we should add a global cooldown When players use a cheat client, repeatedly clicking on a single menu will take up a lot of server resources.

BlitzOffline commented 4 months ago

Having cooldowns built into DeluxeMenus is not a bad idea.


Temporary solution

How to create cooldowns using MasterCooldowns:

  1. Start by creating a requirement (view/click/open)
    type: string equals
    input: '%mcd_isinactive_COOLDOWN-ID%'
    output: 'Yes'
    - '[message] &cTry again in %mcd_left_formatted_COOLDOWN-ID%, you are on cooldown!'
  2. Add the cooldown (e.g. on click) [console] mcd add %player_name% COOLDOWN-ID duration

This is not the only way to create cooldowns for DM, temporary permissions being another example.