Helpmingle / helpmingle

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User Profile Creation After Login #4

Open aliamerj opened 5 days ago

aliamerj commented 5 days ago

PUSH THE CHANGE TO THE mvp branch only

We need to implement a feature that requires users to complete their profile after logging in. This will enhance the user experience and ensure that all necessary information is collected to provide a personalized service. Tasks:


Users must complete their profile to continue using the platform.

All fields must be correctly stored in the respective database tables.

Users should receive appropriate notifications and guidance while completing their profiles.

The Data that needs to be stored

User ID: Unique identifier.
Name: Full name.
Username: Unique username.
Email: Email address.
Password Hash: Hashed password.
Location: Geographical location.
Profile Picture: Link to profile picture.
Bio: Short biography.
Stars (Rating): Average user rating.
Smart Coins: Number of smart coins (default 0).
Phone Number: Contact number.
Date of Birth: User's birth date.
Account Creation Date: Date account was created.
Last Login: Last login date.
Skills: List of user skills.
Verified Status: Account verification status.
Service Requests Posted: Number of requests posted.
Services Provided: Number of services provided.
Volunteer Hours: Logged volunteer hours.
Reviews Received: Number of reviews received.
Preferred Language: User’s preferred language.
Notifications Preferences: Preferences for notifications.
Subscription Status: Subscription level.
Social Media Links: Links to social profiles.
Referral Code: Code for tracking referrals.

Feel free to update the issue description if necessary

aliamerj commented 5 days ago

QuickDBD-export (2)

id PK int
profileId NULL FK  -
Name string
email string INDEX
image NULL string
verified_status boolen

id PK int
location string
bio string
smart_coins int
phone_number string
birth_date date
creation_date date
last_login date
skills  string[]
volunteer_hours init
language string
subscription string
referral string
social_media_links string[]

id PK int
user_id FK >-

id PK int
user_id FK >-

id PK int
author_id FK -
receiver_id FK >-

user_id FK -
receiver_id FK -