Helsinki-NLP / OPUS-CAT

OPUS-CAT is a collection of software which make it possible to OPUS-MT neural machine translation models in professional translation. OPUS-CAT includes a local offline MT engine and a collection of CAT tool plugins.
MIT License
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Translation Error #63

Open Khalid-kamal opened 1 year ago

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

Dear Tommi, The following message is shown while translating in Trados, although it is ok with the application or server image The segment I was translating is as follows Hire vendors for administration and monitoring of GCAM’s IT systems (hardware, software and networks) including ERP processes (Nature of activity - Operational) Here is a screen shot of the tool image

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

This seems to be related to the tag restoration functionality, the Trados plugin is trying to place the source tags in the target sentence, but it's failing for some reason. What kind of tags did the Trados segment have?

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

It is a plain text with no tags image

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

Ok, that's mysterious. Are you using the Trados plugin from the AppStore, or the newer plugin for 2022?

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

Your plugin placed on your github page

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

Ok, so it's the plugin which displays the confirmation pop-up window when you open Trados?

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

If you have a new tool or a new plugin, please add it to your link

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

Ok, so you probably have the most current version of the plugin. Does the settings window of the plugin look like this (with the Restore tags option):


If you have the Restore tags checkbox, then unchecking that should probably make the problem go away. If it doesn't, the problem is somewhere else.

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is checked, however, when I manually translated the segment, the NMT result has appeared without unchecking this option. I do not know where the issue was.

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

I will try unchecking the option when I have the same problem and see whether it is caused by this option or not.

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

Thanks, it could be an one-off error. There was a bit in the code that could have caused this error, I've made some modifications to it, so in any case the error should not happen in future versions of the plugin.

Khalid-kamal commented 1 year ago

Do you currently have any updates to the tool or the plugin? Any new version?

TommiNieminen commented 1 year ago

There's going to be an update to the engine in the spring, not sure exactly when. I should also publish a newer version of the plugin in the RWS appstore.