Helsinki-NLP / OPUS-CAT

OPUS-CAT is a collection of software which make it possible to OPUS-MT neural machine translation models in professional translation. OPUS-CAT includes a local offline MT engine and a collection of CAT tool plugins.
MIT License
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Unable to load all of the online models #91

Closed 2024sophie closed 1 month ago

2024sophie commented 5 months ago

image I'm stuck at the Fetching list of online models, please wait..., and somehow there is no English-Chinese language pair. I don't know whether it is in the unloaded models. Can someone help? Thanks

SafeTex commented 5 months ago

Hello Tick "multilingual models"

2024sophie commented 5 months ago

Got it! Thanks! :D

2024sophie commented 5 months ago

image sorry to bother you again. After downloading the model and successfully installing it, it shows an error in my Trados 2021. How can I fix it? TT

2024sophie commented 5 months ago


2024sophie commented 5 months ago

image hey. guys. why does it show No Connection? How can I fix it?

TommiNieminen commented 5 months ago


Do you have OPUS-CAT MT Engine running on your computer when you try to use the plugin in Trados?

2024sophie commented 5 months ago

image yeah. I think so. I left this window open like this while using Trados, right?

TommiNieminen commented 5 months ago

Yes, that should work. One thing to check is that the net.tcp port in the Settings tab of the MT engine is 8477:


If the port is 8477 and it still doesn't work, something might be blocking the net.tcp connection. There is a newer version of the plugin available, which uses a different way of communicating with the MT engine, so you could also try that. It's included in this package, under the path tradosPlugin/Development/2021:

That newer plugin uses the HTTP port of the MT engine, so you need to make sure that both the plugin and the engine use the same port (both the plugin and engine ports can be changed in their settings).