Open Skipper-is opened 5 years ago
Good man.Skipper-is. I'm using Heltec Lora boards to monitor my hot compost heaps as well :)
Ah awesome! What temp sensor you using? I've got a DS18B20 (the waterproofed version) on the end of a long stick! I think I should daisy chain a whole load together for a better picture of the heap.
Just received my 4 CubeCell boards! Looking forward to testing them! Just waiting on the arduino board manager to finish downloading on my terrible internet... Maybe this evening it'll done!
Not really an issue as such, but an observation - I'm running a Heltec Wifi Stick Lite, along with a solar power management board (DFRobot) as a temperature probe in a compost heap. There has been a fungus tendril growing up inside the case, and - although I cannot see it, into the Heltec module. It is no longer registering as a device on my computer... So - turns out, electronics, damp and fungi... don't get along. I could've probably guessed that before really.