Heltec-Aaron-Lee / WiFi_Kit_series

Arduino source codes and toolchain for WiFi_Kit_series made by HelTecAutomation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Documentation for LoRaWan_APP library #160

Open ianwood opened 1 year ago

ianwood commented 1 year ago

Heltec LoRa V3, Arduino IDE 2.0.3, 0.0.7 board, 1.1.1 library.

I am able to run the pingpong.ino sketch successfully. What I cannot find is the library documentation for the LoRa functions in the LoRaWan_APP and related libraries. Also would like to know if there are any examples that use low power e.g. sleeping the ESP32 between transmissions.

MKAndyT commented 1 year ago

Did you have success in finding documentation as I am starter newbie with the Heltec V3 board and I am regretting my decision. Debating on whether ditching any Heltec supplied software and using other libraries from sources which seem to be far more active and documented.