Heltec-Aaron-Lee / WiFi_Kit_series

Arduino source codes and toolchain for WiFi_Kit_series made by HelTecAutomation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
786 stars 310 forks source link

0.0.8 cannot be installed - crc failed #193

Open codeadventure20 opened 1 year ago

codeadventure20 commented 1 year ago

0.0.8 doesn't work as is right now.

I am currently attempting to write code for the Heltec Wireless Tracker.

Upon investigation, I have discovered that the Wireless Tracker is not supported in the WiFi_Kit_series 0.0.7 version. Fortunately, a newer version, WiFi_Kit_series 0.0.8, has been released on GitHub, which includes code for the tracker. However, I encountered an issue while attempting to install version 0.0.8 as the CRC in the JSON file appears to be incorrect. Compilation also fails because there’s a problem in platform.txt.

It seems that i’ve managed to get 0.0.8 to work on windows. I had to upload the package_heltec_esp32_index.json and esp32-0.0.8.zip to localhost web server, instruct arduino to use the json from my web server: https://localhost/package_heltec_esp32_index.json

in package_heltec_esp32_index.json:

I changed:

  "checksum": "SHA-256:8bc1bda1f56bf412687e578488f18da3ca568215f5714ea48424fcfa49da2162",
  "size": "204366848",

to: “url”: “https://localhost/esp32-0.0.8.zip”, “checksum”: “SHA-256:3d4fad7c641c7ac5c1fc51a4e664df9be2886c7ba71b264a83c4e7d61e28be70”, “size”: “204366670”,

in platform.txt I changed:

tools.esptool_py.path={runtime.platform.path}/tools/esptool to tools.esptool_py.path={runtime.tools.esptool_py.path}

StevenCellist commented 1 year ago

A perhaps more friendly way of installing this (without using webservers or modyfing file contents) is the following:

StevenCellist commented 1 year ago

You will also need to fix the path to esptool - again, if you don't want to mess with file contents or definitions, you can use the following steps:

rena2019 commented 1 year ago

current version (uploaded 15 hours ago) of https://github.com/Heltec-Aaron-Lee/WiFi_Kit_series/releases/download/0.0.8/package_heltec_esp32_index.json is an invalid json file, please remove comma on line 32: {"name": "Wireless Paper"},

StevenCellist commented 1 year ago

@wangxiangwangeuse could you please pick up on this problem?