HengLan / SMOT

[ECCV 2024] Beyond MOT: Semantic Multi-Object Tracking
Apache License 2.0
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about weights #1

Closed backyardknights closed 1 month ago

backyardknights commented 1 month ago

Your work gives me great inspiration, but I have encountered some troubles when trying to implement the algorithm.I cannot find the file weights/grit_b_densecap_objectdet.pth loaded in grit_roi_heads.py, and the file models/CH_FPN_1x.pth required by BYTE_BENSMOT_FPN.yaml. Are they not uploaded to GitHub? If possible, could you send me the related files?

Nathan-Li123 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your attention. The two weights files you mentioned can be downloaded from here: https://mailsucasaccn-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liyunhao23_mails_ucas_ac_cn/EhcMubyTKB1OqNchDySUtQABL9fbALawt3KVbYNpd9GLnA?e=SLeGgI

backyardknights commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot for your timely and generous help.