HengyiWang / Co-SLAM

[CVPR'23] Co-SLAM: Joint Coordinate and Sparse Parametric Encodings for Neural Real-Time SLAM
Apache License 2.0
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Custom Blender Data #52

Open HamzaOuajhain opened 2 days ago

HamzaOuajhain commented 2 days ago

Hello, and thank you for this wonderful repository.

I have created this scene in Blender with a very simple object and a camera rotating arround it, I unfortunatly was not able to get good result. I have tried many configurations and different conventions in order to solve this issue.



For a total of 2001 frames, I have created a camera that will be able to output both depth and rgb information and a script that which is created to change the convention from Blender into OpenCV convention, in order to work the same way Replica is ran with Co-SLAM. I my Replica in order to create my own yaml file. The main difference in the yaml file is : cam: H: 480 W: 640 fx: 888.8889 fy: 1000.0000 cx: 320.0 cy: 240.0 and for the bound I chose : mapping: bound: [[-5,5],[-5,5],[-5,5]] marching_cubes_bound: [[-5,5],[-5,5],[-5,5]] This is the visualisation of the bounding box : image

This is the resulting mesh from vis_bound : image

Results :


We can conclude that the convention used is correct from the way the ground truth ATE RMSE is matching, the expected ground truth.


Any suggestion where things went wrong ?

HengyiWang commented 2 days ago

From the result of vis_mesh, the camera convention seems to be wrong. We use OpenGL c2w, please double-check your camera pose convention (OpenGL or OpenCV, w2c or c2w).