HenkKalkwater / fitmetersync

Utitilty program that aims to sync your steps of the wii fit meter to your 3DS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[DISCUSSION] Protocol #13

Open HenkKalkwater opened 5 years ago

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

If you have anything to add about the protocol, an interesting hypothesis you want to test out or anything else related to the protocol and its documentation, please reply here!

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

i just did a MITM attack and i got a few bits of data from the meter and wii u: a5 00 84 01 03 04 a5 14 meter -> wii u a5 a5 81 02 94 wii u -> meter a5 00 84 02 94 04 a5 26 meter -> wii u and a connection time out since i'm not fast enough to sync the data. the meter sends a standard connection attempt and the wii u responds with a standerd response t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶3̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶e̶p̶.̶ actually this is a bug, the shake is smaller than the meter shake so it doesn't completely clear the old message and then the crc gets calculated over that also i think that the 3ds isn't capturing all of the data, since the wii u messages are 5 bytes long which is a bit weird

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I figured out the same so far. I think that I have discovered the entire packet header right now, you can see my findings in DOCUMENTATION.md.

I also managed to receive the conversations between the Fit Meter and Wii U, but only on one side at a time. I've put those conversations into fitmetersync/testing/fms-1551470126.txt.

Right now, the master branch also contains methods in link.cpp to wait for a Fit Meter to attempt a connection and to send bytes without worrying about the packet structure. You can see an example of it in link.cpp with startTransfer2().

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

according to the documentation a fit meter should send a 01 04 04 packet but in your log this doesn't happen

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

There are question marks behind it though, so I think its true. (I've not de-confirmed it yet, but I haven't got it working either).

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

what if you'd modify data on the wii u side of the transfer? like Fit Meter -> wii u gamepad -> homebrew code -> game, to make the code run in the background you could use the wups (wii u plugin system)

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

or i could try to decompile the wii fit u code and look through there (low chance this would work because it's in assembler which is difficult to read)

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

If I can trust this PasteBin (https://pastebin.com/a2x19WBA), it seems that the code of both the USA and JPN version from the eShop are unstripped (meaning that there are debug symbols left in there, possible even function names), making it easier to reverse engineer.

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

ive managed to find what i think is the code that connects to the fitmeter but sadly its in assembler: .text:02496C8C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= .text:02496C8C .text:02496C8C .text:02496C8C SAMU_StartFitmeterForReceive11EventScriptSFv: .text:02496C8C # DATA XREF: AddGlobalFunc9ScriptObjSFPQ3_3jet4util6Script+305Co .text:02496C8C # AddGlobalFunc9ScriptObjSFPQ3_3jet4util6Script+3068o .text:02496C8C .text:02496C8C .set var_28, -0x28 .text:02496C8C .set var_8, -8 .text:02496C8C .set var_4, -4 .text:02496C8C .set arg_4, 4 .text:02496C8C .text:02496C8C mflr r0 .text:02496C90 stwu r1, -0x30(r1) .text:02496C94 stw r30, 0x30+var_8(r1) .text:02496C98 stw r31, 0x30+var_4(r1) .text:02496C9C lis r3, dword_101501AC@h .text:02496CA0 stw r0, 0x30+arg_4(r1) .text:02496CA4 lwz r3, dword_101501AC@l(r3) .text:02496CA8 lis r30, byte_11D0777C@h .text:02496CAC cmpwi r3, 0 .text:02496CB0 addi r30, r30, byte_11D0777C@l .text:02496CB4 beq loc_2496D1C .text:02496CB8 lis r11, unk_1004FDEC@ha .text:02496CBC li r10, 8 .text:02496CC0 li r0, 1 .text:02496CC4 addi r11, r11, unk_1004FDEC@l .text:02496CC8 mtctr r10 .text:02496CCC addi r12, r1, 0x30+var_28 .text:02496CD0 stb r0, 0(r30) .text:02496CD4 .text:02496CD4 loc_2496CD4: # CODE XREF: SAMU_StartFitmeterForReceive11EventScriptSFv+58j .text:02496CD4 lwz r8, 0(r11) .text:02496CD8 addi r11, r11, 4 .text:02496CDC stw r8, 0(r12) .text:02496CE0 addi r12, r12, 4 .text:02496CE4 bdnz loc_2496CD4 .text:02496CE8 lis r5, aUiWev_tex_jarc@ha # "ui/wev_tex.jarc" .text:02496CEC addi r4, r1, 0x30+var_28 .text:02496CF0 addi r5, r5, aUiWev_tex_jarc@l # "ui/wev_tex.jarc" .text:02496CF4 bl appendLocalDirectory17RPSysProjectLocalFPcPCc # RPSysProjectLocal::appendLocalDirectory((char ,char const )) .text:02496CF8 lis r3, dword_10150740@h .text:02496CFC lis r7, dword_10153C34@h .text:02496D00 lwz r3, dword_10150740@l(r3) .text:02496D04 addi r5, r1, 0x30+var_28 .text:02496D08 lis r4, aWev@ha # "wev" .text:02496D0C lwz r7, dword_10153C34@l(r7) .text:02496D10 li r6, 1 .text:02496D14 addi r4, r4, aWev@l # "wev" .text:02496D18 bl LoadArchiveQ3_3jet2ui13UIFileManagerFPCcT1bPQ3_3jet6memory9Allocator .text:02496D1C .text:02496D1C loc_2496D1C: # CODE XREF: SAMU_StartFitmeterForReceive11EventScriptSFv+28j .text:02496D1C mr r3, r30 .text:02496D20 li r4, 0 .text:02496D24 li r5, 6 .text:02496D28 bl SetDrawScene10WiiboEventFiT1 .text:02496D2C mr r3, r30 .text:02496D30 li r4, 1 .text:02496D34 li r5, 6 .text:02496D38 bl SetDrawScene10WiiboEventFiT1 .text:02496D3C li r3, 0 .text:02496D40 bl SetDispFitmeterObj__Q2_3jet7SAMUSeqFb # jet::SAMUSeq::SetDispFitmeterObj((bool)) .text:02496D44 lis r9, flt_1005E460@ha .text:02496D48 lis r4, aUiParamChan_39@ha # "ui/param/change_menu_meter_in002.jprt" .text:02496D4C lis r31, dword_11D691F4@ha .text:02496D50 lfs f1, flt_1005E460@l(r9) .text:02496D54 addi r4, r4, aUiParamChan_39@l # "ui/param/change_menu_meter_in002.jprt" .text:02496D58 addi r3, r31, dword_11D691F4@l .text:02496D5C bl ChangeMenuQ2_4menu16MainModelManagerFPCcf # menu::MainModelManager::ChangeMenu((char const *,float)) .text:02496D60 addi r3, r31, dword_11D691F4@l .text:02496D64 bl MainObjDispTemporaryOff__Q2_4menu16MainModelManagerFv # menu::MainModelManager::MainObjDispTemporaryOff((void)) .text:02496D68 lis r31, dword_10152468@h .text:02496D6C lis r4, -0x3277 # 0xCD88B8F7 .text:02496D70 lwz r31, dword_10152468@l(r31) .text:02496D74 addi r4, r4, -0x4709 # 0xCD88B8F7 .text:02496D78 mr r3, r31 .text:02496D7C bl GetMenu7EventUIFUi # EventUI::GetMenu((uint)) .text:02496D80 addis r9, r31, 0x12 .text:02496D84 lis r0, -0x3278 # 0xCD88B8F7 .text:02496D88 stwu r3, 0x4E8(r9) .text:02496D8C ori r0, r0, 0xB8F7 # 0xCD88B8F7 .text:02496D90 lwz r10, 4(r9) .text:02496D94 addis r12, r30, 2 .text:02496D98 stw r0, 4(r9) .text:02496D9C li r8, 0 .text:02496DA0 stw r10, 8(r9) .text:02496DA4 stw r8, (dword_11D08FF0 - byte_11D0777C)(r12) .text:02496DA8 lwz r0, 0x30+arg_4(r1) .text:02496DAC lwz r30, 0x30+var_8(r1) .text:02496DB0 mtlr r0 .text:02496DB4 lwz r31, 0x30+var_4(r1) .text:02496DB8 addi r1, r1, 0x30 .text:02496DBC blr .text:02496DBC # End of function SAMU_StartFitmeterForReceive11EventScriptSFv

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Which disassembler did you use by the way, I couldn't get any working without crashing. (I tried Ghidra: hangs on loading symbol tables; Binary Ninja: doesn't read PowerPC; RetDec: fails as well; A patched Snowman for support for PPC: crashes as well)

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Well, Radare2 seems to handle this. But I can't handle Radare2.

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Nvm, Ghidra works well. The loading symbol table took the whole night, but my patience only lasted for 2 hours.

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

I'm using IDA 6.8 with the Wii u decompiler

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

I'm a poor university student, I have no money for Ghidra :)

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

i found IDA 6.8 free on archive.org

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

also in the source code i keep finding this D:\jenkins\workspace\Step_US\Step\

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Yep, they probably used Jenkins as their build system I guess. But having the actual function signatures makes this reverse engineering a whole lot easier.

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

do you know the c++ function to acces the IR on the wii u?

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

it will make searching for the code a bit easier.

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

it could be VPADBASEGetIRCStatus

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

I've got no clue. You can try, I guess

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

i think its called the irc, and i think the function ircconnect is the code connecting to the fitmeter

MrKev312 commented 5 years ago

the bad thing is, no one seems to have documented the IR blaster

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I got to the same conclusion. Most of the Wii U libraries functions are not that much documented, so most of the times I get my information from looking at WUT

HenkKalkwater commented 5 years ago

Inside of the code, the Fit Meter is often referred to as SAMU, it seems.