Hennepin-County / MAXIS-scripts

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1636 notes proof of relationship resolve hh memb issues #1699

Closed MDR22 closed 4 months ago

MDR22 commented 4 months ago

Fix issue where script only displays selected HH members in relationship dialog, rather than displaying all relationship connections between all HH members for the selected HH members. Also fixed the functionality to add a new relationship row. However, this seems to cause issues when the dialog gets too large as the Docs Received field starts to default with info - seems to pull in the "MEMB" checkbox.

MDR22 commented 4 months ago

Resolved issue with script adding all HH Memb relationships to CASE/NOTE rather than just selected HH Membs. Also improved the "add additional relationship" functionality to ensure these are written to CASE/NOTE as well. Lastly, made some typo fixes and general cleanup.