Hennepin-County / MAXIS-scripts

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Pending Caseload Clean Up Project #1737

Open IlseFerris opened 4 months ago

IlseFerris commented 4 months ago

ES is taking on a clean up effort to finalize pending baskets to wrap up the Work Structure project initiative of de-regionalizing caseloads. To date, there is not documentation on how/when to transfer cases inner county, or which criteria to use to determine which population cases belong. Resolving these unknowns is in scope for the project, and may be subject to change at a later date (the process, not the need for those directives).

Directive: In a nutshell, pending baskets/case loads will become regular caseloads, and we will use Case Assignments 'as is' process to move cases to population caseloads vs. population PENDING caseloads, which would then need to be transferred again once the case was no longer pending. Exceptions to the CA 'as is' process:

C-Love commented 3 months ago

Additional decision point, we are going to turn the case transfer process off for subsequent application.

C-Love commented 2 months ago

We need to update Subsequent Application to no longer support case transfers at all.

Additional thought, we should also not transfer 'Request to APPL' unless it is in the CA worker's X-Number? Unsure on this because these may be quite old.