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Sundowning SNAP Waived Interview Process #1782

Open IlseFerris opened 2 months ago

IlseFerris commented 2 months ago

Sundowning Postponed: Documentation includes drafted code and survey. T\Eligibility Support\Restricted\QI - Quality Improvement\BZ scripts project\Projects\SNAP Waived Interview\ Sundowning SNAP Waived Interview

Both application and renewal interviews are being waived through 04/30/2024. While many procedural questions remain unclear, the interviews will be required again starting 05/01/2024. Creating base issue to track tasks and associated issues.

DHS Update: 4/17/2024 -Applications and Recertifications received after 04/30/2024 are required to have an interview. -Applications and Recertifications received PRIOR to 05/01/2024 are NOT required to have an interview (SNAP waived interview process steps still apply).

Tasks include:

Associated Issues

MeganGeissler commented 2 months ago

SNAP Waived interview was extended until 10/31/2024. Sundowning this project is delayed.

Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) has offered the option to request an extension of the SNAP Interview Waiver through October 31, 2024. FNS is approving this six-month extension under the extraordinary circumstances criterion due to challenges associated with unwinding from the pandemic. FNS does not plan to approve additional extensions to this waiver after October 31, 2024.

The Department of Human Services SNAP Team has decided to accept this offer and submit the request to extend the SNAP Interview Waiver through October 31, 2024. The waiver extension will only be available to counties and Tribal Nations who implemented the waiver during May 2023 – April 2024.