ADDR: Determine month to update ADDR panel based on addr_effective_date
If addr_effective_date is after the footer month/year from the initial dialog, then we need to navigate to the addr_effective_date month and make updates there. Will need to make sure we don't use variables that will impact other updates.
HEST: Interview script updates HEST if persons paying is identified and heat/ac, electric, or phone is noted. Need to update HEST function to ensure we are clearing the unit fields using " " for utilities that are not a Y. Do this for retro and prosp.
ADDR: Determine month to update ADDR panel based on addr_effective_date
HEST: Interview script updates HEST if persons paying is identified and heat/ac, electric, or phone is noted. Need to update HEST function to ensure we are clearing the unit fields using " " for utilities that are not a Y. Do this for retro and prosp.