Hennepin-County / MAXIS-scripts

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Aged Cash Benefits Notification Supports #407

Open IlseFerris opened 3 years ago

IlseFerris commented 3 years ago

This is laid out very well in POLI/TEMP TE16.03. This would be very helpful for CASH cases in particular to send a SPEC/MEMO re: aged benefits and disbursement options the resident has. I've had initial conversations with Robert Showalter at DHS re: BULKing this process out. He seems to be in favor. Cash cases have 30 day, 60 day and 90 cancelation notifications. SNAP cases have a notice already generated, so these message may be able to be captured, case/noted and deleted.

IlseFerris commented 2 years ago

No response from DHS partners yet. Sent pitch on 03/08/22, and sent a follow up today. Moving to Q2.

IlseFerris commented 2 years ago

No response from DHS Partners yet. Sent follow ups on 08/16/2022 and 10/31/2022.

IlseFerris commented 1 year ago

1081 and #1082 - connect with C-love for coordinating this work.