HenriWahl / Nagstamon

Nagios status monitor for your desktop.
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[Feature request] Add more variables to command and url action #375

Open eizedev opened 7 years ago

eizedev commented 7 years ago


we have a lot of custom actions defined for accessing our ticket system, pnp4nagios, splunk, icinga history, dokuwiki (documentation for host/services) etc. These actions are filled with your placeholder variables. I am missing some variables for usage in our email template for our front desk. They send a lot of custom emails from our monitoring system, so i have created a standard email template with automatically generated information. Is it possible to create some new variables for icinga/nagios:

Basically for all information that you can see in the nagstamon gui or if you right click an event and use Copy to Clipboard - All Information: Example:

Host: xxxx Service: xxxx Status: CRITICAL Last check: 04-07-2017 07:58:24 Duration: 0d 0h 7m 57s Attempt: 3/3 Status information: CRITICAL - abcde - 123


Greetings René

HenriWahl commented 7 years ago

Good idea.

eizedev commented 6 years ago

Hi Henri,

I wanted to ask you if you have made any progress with this feature request so far?

Thanks, René

HenriWahl commented 6 years ago

Due to a bunch of other non-Nagstamon-stuff I am sorry to say no, there is no progress. :-(