HenriWahl / Nagstamon

Nagios status monitor for your desktop.
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GNOME3: GNOME-Flashback needs DESKTOP_CINNAMON workaround enabled as well #876

Closed z1atk0 closed 1 year ago

z1atk0 commented 1 year ago


It looks like recent versions of (Qt and/or?) GNOME3 Flashback need the DESKTOP_CINNAMON workaround enabled as well to display the status popup window in its proper location, at least under certain circumstances ... like, say, a slightly unusual dual-monitor setup. :slightly_smiling_face:

In my setup the right monitor is the primary display, not the left. So all my panels, menus, notification areas etc. are on the right monitor as well. As of recently (unfortunately I don't know the exact point in time, so I don't know what exactly was updated to cause this quirk), Nagstamon started to show its status popup window at the bottom of the left monitor all of a sudden, instead of above the panel bar on the right one. As soon as I set DESKTOP_CINNAMON = True hardcoded in Config.py, the status popup window appears in its proper place again.

Note that the systray area hosting the Nagstamon icon is on the bottom right. With DESKTOP_CINNAMON = False:




I'm not sure whether it would make more sense to add a few more conditionals to Config.py (relevant environment variable candidates would be any of DESKTOP_SESSION="gnome-flashback-metacity", GDMSESSION="gnome-flashback-metacity", XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="GNOME-Flashback:GNOME", XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP="gnome-flashback-metacity"), or simply have an additional config widget in Settings => Display labelled [x] Enable GNOME/dual-screen related popup positioning fix (similar/close to the [x] Use offset to correct position problems widget). The latter would probably need more effort to implement, but would be convenient to have in case more use cases pop up in the future that can be fixed this way.

System specs, if needed (if you need to know anything else just let me know): Slackware 15.0 64bit, GNOME3 3.46 (Flashback session), Python 3.9.15, Qt 5.15.7/6.4.0 with matching PyQt versions, and Nagstamon 3.10.0/3.10.1 (any combination of the latter two components shows the same behaviour).

Thanks, Thomas

HenriWahl commented 1 year ago

@z1atk0 thanks for the hint, will add it in the next days

MatKra84 commented 1 year ago

Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon. To display popup window on the same monitor as status bar also DESKTOP_CINNAMON = False.

HenriWahl commented 1 year ago

@MatKra84 so in your case the fix is the opposite of the solution for @z1atk0 's problem? And do you use systray icon or floating status bar?

HenriWahl commented 1 year ago

@MatKra84 do you use Wayland or Xorg?

HenriWahl commented 1 year ago

@z1atk0 latest testing release has your proposed option - please check if it works as expected.

z1atk0 commented 1 year ago

@z1atk0 latest testing release has your proposed option - please check if it works as expected.

Just tried with the source tarball from https://github.com/HenriWahl/Nagstamon/releases/tag/latest (Nagstamon-3.11-20221216). Yes, works exactly as intended, thanks! :sunglasses: :+1: With [X] Enable position fix selected it pops up on the correct monitor, with [ ] Enable position fix unselected the popup is shown on the wrong monitor.

Thanks a lot! :slightly_smiling_face: